Thursday, March 10, 2011

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Christian Phrase To Write In Sympathy Card

Edward Syndrome More Condition_symptoms

Sono aperte le iscrizioni al
Convegno annuale della
Scuola Lacaniana di Psicoanalisi

Registration Fees:
€ 100.00 within on 03/30/2011
€ 50.00 by 30/03/2011 for students (up to 26 years)
For students of Freud's participation is compulsory and free.

- after 30/03/2011
€ 130.00
€ 70.00 for students (up to 26 years)

ECM: E 'in the course request CME credits for physicians and psychologists. The cost is € 20.00.

Enrolment : Bank transfer to following account:
Lacanian School of Psychoanalysis, Deutsche Bank - 468 of Ag H Milan,
IBAN code: IT76M0310401608000000821332.
Important: specify the reason for the name and surname of those who subscribe to the Conference.
After payment of the transfer please fill out the registration form found in Annex and please send :

Motions for Intervention
The proposals for action in the halls are to be sent simultaneously to m.bolgiani @ entro il 10. 3. 2011.
I testi, che non dovranno superare le 10.000 battute, dovranno essere inviati entro il 15. 4 2011 sempre a e dovranno inerire i tre assi tematici previsti:
  • Eclissi e varianti del desiderio
  • Trasformazioni della domanda
  • Inerzia e mutamenti della soddisfazione

Other activities at the conference
The Committee organization, consisting of Charles Monteleone, Laura Freni and Giovanni Lo Castro proposed a number of cultural events of great artistic value and unparalleled beauty.

  • Friday, June 10 . Acitrezza and Acicastello , to visit the Norman castle and the Faraglioni (The "stones" hurled by Polyphemus against Ulysses). 2 km away from Catania, traveled by bus to city
  • Saturday, June 11 lunchtime , visit to the old kitchens of the monastery of the Benedictines (required reservation)
  • Sunday, June 12 (after I agree) Trip to Syracuse where la sera al Teatro Greco, all’interno del Ciclo di Spettacoli Classici, verrà rappresentata la tragedia di Filottete di Sofocle. (per info ). A Siracusa si potrà anche cenare nell’incantevole isola di Ortiglia.
  • In alternativa alla visione della Tragedia a Siracusa , sempre domenica pomeriggio, escursione sull’Etna (Casa Cantoniera 2000 m., con possibile estensione sino ai 2700 m., in funivia o in fuoristrada) L’escursione presenta un interesse particolare in quanto è prevista, non garantita, un’attività eruttiva. Sarà possibile sia cenare in un ristorante sul posto, oppure rientrare Catania, per godere della bellissima “movida” nel centro storico.
  • Quanti lo wish can also opt for a hike in the beautiful Taormina , reachable by bus or train, or, alternatively, with half organized. (Owing to the number of participants). Again, you can dine on site.
  • For information and reservations events proposed to write to John Lo Castro.
Isabella Ladles
Secretary SLP

Blueprints For Making A Bench

Lacanian School of Psychoanalysis

(in the clinic, culture, social issues)
Catania, 11 and 12 June 2011

Name ... .................................................. .................................................. ..
Address ........................................... .................................................. ............................
City ........................................... CAP ............................ ............... Prov. .......................
Tel .......................................... ................. Fax ................................................. ...............
e-mail ......................................... .................................................. ....................................
Code Tax or VAT (for issuing invoice) ......................................... ............
Request CME (physicians and psychologists )........ yes / no ......................... ......................
amount of the fee paid ........................................ ..........................................

€ 100.00 by 30/03/2011
€ 50.00 by 03/30/2011 for students (up to 26 years)

after 30.3.2011
€ 130.00
€ 70.00 for students (up to 26 years)

ECM .: If required more € 20.00.

Enrolment : Bank transfer to bank account in Lacanian School of Psychoanalysis, Deutsche Bank - H 468 Ag of Milan, IBAN code: IT76M0310401608000000821332 .

Important: specify the reason for the name and surname of those who enroll in the seminar, which is essential for those who use for the payment of an account which does not hold.

After payment of the bank fill out this registration form che potete inviare a: oppure per Fax al n . 02 54119539

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Closet Motion Sensor Light Switch

March 1, 2011

Cogratulation For The Baby

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Tech Deck Designs Templates

By March, calls for the three lots: the unknown remains of funds

Sassari. for him has become a real mission. Enthusiasm spreads, the Regional Councillor for Public Works, Sebastian Sannitu. That such tight deadlines for the Sassari-Olbia: by March calls for tender in the autumn yards in the first three batches. I'm not a continuation of the other, but they are at the ends of the new four-lane highway. For the other six lots, the largest portion of asphalt, for now the money is only virtual.

The project is the same, as explained in the spring of 2008 in Sassari, the civil engineer's office, by then councilor Carlo Mannoni. It also invited to services conference organized by region and by Anas are the same: the mayors of the municipalities that border the path, the Province of Sassari, local archaeological and landscape protection. With some reservations, the assembly said yes, lots and zero one can go.

tracking. The miles are fifteen: 2.5 in batch zero, from km 131 to 192 of the junction for Ploaghe, 12.5 in a batch, from the intersection with State 597 Mesu 'and Rios (Ozieri). Estimated cost: 55 to 100 million euro. The plot begins with a zero release to trumpet the 131 and ends with a second release: the slip è nuova di zecca perché, hanno spiegato i tecnici, «era impossibile adeguare il tracciato esistente». Stessi problemi nei 12 chilometri successivi, in cui la nuova strada affianca l'attuale statale 597, destinata ad accogliere il traffico locale. Dopo 4 chilometri la prima inversione di marcia, frequenti le interconnessioni con la vecchia strada e la viabilità di servizio progettata per consentire l'accesso alle proprietà. Al chilometro 9 (Ardara) altro svincolo con rotatoria. Al chilometro 11, all'altezza del Rio Badu Ruju, il progetto prevede un nuovo ponte in acciaio e calcestruzzo e l'adeguamento dell'esistente. Due chilometri dopo, la quattro corsie si allontana dal vecchio tracciato all'altezza della curva di Mesu 'e Rios (Ozieri junction) and move to the left. A mile after the new release, and to reach Ozieri Chilivani. Here ends the first batch.

La Nuova Sardegna

Friday, February 25, 2011

Gall Bladder More Condition_symptoms Hair Loss

Segreteria di Milano

Agenda di Marzo 2011

Mercoledì 2 Marzo 2011 ore 21.00
Sede: Umanitaria- Via San Barnaba, 48 Milano (1° piano)
Laboratorio incontro-studio in preparazione al Convegno SLP “ MODERNITA' DELLA PSICOANALISI (Nella clinica, nella cultura, nel sociale ) che si terrà a Catania l'11 e 12 giugno 2011.
interverrà Marco Focchi  su
Il nuovo
Lacan, nel seminario XI formula l'idea sorprendente che l'inconscio non abbia uno statuto ontico ma etico. Ne dobbiamo ancora prendere pienamente le misure, ma sicuramente ciò significa che l'inconscio non è un ente, non è oggettivabile, e non è indagabile con metodo scientifico. Che l'inconscio sia etico vuol dire invece che dipende da una decisione, e non da un sapere già saputo: si tratta di un sapere che si presenta come un significante nuovo.
But this is only meaningful? If psychoanalysis is its driving force in the new, in surprise, because the pressure comes from something that has never fully classifiable, that has not already labeled, and that no significant means. The effectiveness of psychoanalysis derives not from the opportunity to undergo the test, but the field that we could define the field of real surprises. The real is never expected, and is expected if you have not met him where ever expected.
Science designs, calculate, predict, psychoanalysis is a reality which is not subject to calculation, which rises unexpectedly, and that we must learn to deal with the spirit of improvisation.
In fondo questa adesione alla contingenza sembra contrastare con lo spirito della modernità, che nel suo artefatto bisogno securitario cerca di calcolare, controllare, prevenire, ma non dobbiamo forse proprio in questo vedere lo spazio che la modernità apre per la psicoanalisi, se lo sappiamo occupare? L'onnipresenza soffocante di un trattamento della vita modellato sulla via conformista della salute mentale, porta il soggetto a cercare vie di fuga, margini non programmati in cui la psicoanalisi trova la propria sede naturale. L'adesione alla modernità non passa solo per il suo drittofilo, e sta a noi esplorane i margini dove il desiderio ridiventa inventivo.
Francesca Senin focus and interrogate some points highlighted by Marco Focchi.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Monster Energy Flip Flops

Frontal impact on the Olbia-Sassari, 5 injured

Action taken by a helicopter

Olbia. Five people were injured around 8 in a head-on collision between due auto avvenuto sulla strada statale Sassari-Olbia, all'altezza di Berchidda, in Gallura. Sul posto sono intervenuti il personale del 118 e l'eliambulanza.

La statale è chiusa al traffico al km 54 in entrambe le direzioni, fa sapere l'Anas, per consentire le operazioni di soccorso. Sono intervenute due squadre e un elicottero dei vigili del fuoco e ambulanze del 118.

I feriti, secondo le prime informazioni, non sono in pericolo di vita. Sul posto è presente anche personale dell'Anas che ripristinerà la circolazione sulla SS 547 appena possibile.

La Nuova Sardegna

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Bondi signature environmental assessment

new accelerator for the construction of Sassari-Olbia. Today came the signature of the Minister of Culture Sandro Bondi, the Environmental Impact Assessment on the draft of the new road, following that of Environment Minister Matteoli. The announcement was the president of the region, Ugo Cappellacci, and the President of the Province of Olbia-Tempio, Fedele Sanciu.

"We continue to work with maximum effort, step by step - said the governor - to reach that goal is not only a strategic, but also a moral duty of the Executive '. It was the same minister Bondi, with a phone call to the President of the Province of Olbia-Tempio, to communicate that he affixed his signature on the Environmental Impact Assessment, confirming what was already said during his meeting last week between the president and the minister Sanciu. "The announcement of the signing - says Sanciu - brings ever closer the start of work for the realization of Sassari-Olbia. We have in stock a real team intent on lost time in these years. "Meanwhile, today the seat of the provincial conference was held services on the draft of the ninth batch of SS 199 and reported the new head compartment Sardinia Anas beans, lots 0, 1 and 9 will be under contract by March 31.

L'Unione Sarda

Friday, February 18, 2011

Gator Boat Trailers Parts

An emergency infinite

Olbia. Lezzeri Lina's funeral will be held tomorrow. Today it is expected the autopsy, a duty because there is little doubt about the dynamics of the accident. Caused by the inadequacy of Sassari-Olbia. A road on which heavy traffic passes of enormous proportions that the two lanes can not stand. Yesterday was a day of sorrow for the community Nughedu who lives in Olbia, and the country of origin of the new road death of death, the 82 nd from 1995. Da due anni e mezzo si rimanda l'arrivo dei fondi che servirebbero ad avviare i lavori. Mancano i soldi ma non le promesse, puntualmente disattese. E gli incidenti gravi, gravissimi, proseguono. Ieri si è scatenato il dibattito, in città ma anche nei social network, diventati la piazza virtuale su cui parlare dei problemi della comunità. C'è chi censura il fatto che molti utilizzino le strade come pista di corsa da formula uno. Ma anche l'incidente di due giorni fa alle porte di Olbia ha dimostrato come l'emergenza principale della Sassari-Olbia sia la mancanza di un guard rail centrale e della protezione ai lati della strada che impedisca l'accesso sull'asfalto ai piccoli animali selvatici. Per capire come il guard-rail sia fondamentale, enough to average accident determined by the invasion of lane on the first section of the Carlo Felice on 131 branch or central Nuoro before the installation of barriers on the center line. Percentages markedly different. On the Sassari-Olbia, instead continue to die, especially for the invasion of the aisle. Or reckless overtaking, as happened two days ago, the jump across the road after losing control of their own half for a simple fact: the entrance road in a wild animal. Tuesday on this issue has sided with the decision, "the Popular Committee for the 4-lane road." With reasoning essentially unassailable awaiting the start of work on the doubling of the road, you still need to initiate a plan to improve the safety conditions of the track. That at this time shows a worn road surface and the total absence of protective nets on the sides of the road. Actions taken in this direction would be at least one act of good will. The governing center from Rome to Cagliari and even the province of Gallura, after so many promises, do something.

L Sardinia in New

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publish the notices of expropriation to dodge a marten died

CAGLIARI. continues the process for starting the work of Sassari-Olbia. Are published today the new notices of expropriation for the construction of four lane road and it was called, also, the Conference of services that will be held on March 1.

The proceedings relate to the expropriation of Lot 0, 131 km from State Road 192 to junction Ploaghe, ie the 2.5 km link road connecting the state with 597 Carlo Felice Sassari-Olbia, and the Lot 1. In continuation with this Lot 0 separately, and develops in parallel to the current 597 to about 12 miles and goes up the ramp to Ozieri Mesu places' and Rios.

The Conference of services that will take 'the test projects the same batch was convened in early March in Sassari, the seat of the Province. The expropriation procedure is supervised by Anas, project supervisor of operations. Acts relating to the project work - it said in a statement - shall be deposited in the Office of the proceeding officer Anas Sassari.

The tag property expropriations in the municipalities of Ploaghe Florinas, Codrongianos, Ardara, Ozieri. Following the outcome of the Conference of services could be banned tenders for the work by March. The financial cost of the lots Š 0 and 1, respectively, equal to about 55 and 100 million euro.

La Nuova Sardegna

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Travel Trailer Supports

L'incidente sulla Olbia-Sassari nel quale ha perso la vita l'insegnante

OLBIA. Una sola ora di lezione. Doveva fare la prima alle elementari di Monti, e poi sarebbe tornata a Olbia, dagli altri suoi alunni, e infine a casa dalla sorella malata e dai tre figli. Una vita passata in macchina, da una scuola all’altra della Gallura, nella difficile condizione di maestra precaria. Ieri mattina Lina Lezzeri, 44, died in his car crushed under a truck. Yet another cross on the Sassari-Olbia. Yet another death in the workplace, as they say her colleagues.

"We heard a roar, as if a bomb had exploded," say the employees of the Q8 service station, and on the stretch between Enas Channel. Before them, on the highways, it was the teacher of the Opel Astra stuck under the nose of Tir, and a column of white smoke. They saw the driver of the truck yelling, gave the alarm to 118, to the police. At that time many motorists have passed, because the Sassari-Olbia, at that time, almost eight in the morning, it is always busy.

It was a harrowing scene, everyone understood that there was nothing to do. Lina Lezzeri died on the spot. He was 44 years, leaves her husband, Gianfranco Campus, a native of San Nicolò Nughedu like her sister, long ill, and three sons (one, an adult, the first year of college, the other two males in the sixth grade and fifth grade). She had gone from their home in Rudalza, where they have a riding school. He had to go to elementary Mountains, had only one lesson, the first. He has spent a lifetime on the roads of Gallura. Precarious, last year taught Monti, Anthony di Gallura, Bassacutena.

È stata in prima linea con le colleghe per veder riconosciuto il diritto a un posto fisso, che per lei sarebbe arrivato probabilmente l’anno prossimo. Conosceva le insidie della Sassari-Olbia, e non stava correndo. Era su un rettilineo, con molta visibilità. Le ha attraversato la strada una martora e non è riuscita a evitarla. Più grande di una donnola, più piccolo di una volpe, quell’animaletto, quasi in via d’estinzione in Gallura, ha fatto perdere a Lina Lezzeri il controllo della sua macchina. Che ha invaso la corsia dove stava arrivando il Tir.

Non sarebbe successo, se ci it was 4 lanes with median. The impact was devastating: the left side of Opel Astra has come under the left side of the truck, and the car was pushed back for 50 meters. The conducting of Tir, Sandro Pianetta, 53 years old, but living in Villamassargia Villaspeciosa, tried to brake, an instinctive gesture, but unnecessary. It fell from the truck, shocked, and the doctors of 118, arrived shortly after, only had to rescue him. "Every day, even in Questro stretch of straight, there are dangers" they always say the employees of Q8. That piece of Sassari-Olbia, between 48.3 and 52 km, was closed for hours to enable the police to do pads and the fire brigade to pull from the wreckage of Opel Astra Lezzeri Lina's body. At 11, the movement is back to normal. Not the life of a family torn by grief. The nth.

Yesterday's was another of the cross Olbia-Sassari. "In light of yet another tragedy, the People's Committee recalls Anas and regulatory bodies (Province and Region) also requests made last February 7 - Rita writes Father, chairman of the Committee for the four-lane -. On that occasion, as in previous to Olbia and Cagliari in 2010, the Committee had underlined the extreme danger caused by the insufficient maintenance, requiring once again the safety Anas artery.

Until they leave the shipyard for the new road, however the problem and aware that we carry for many years, the urgent demands of the Committee concerned the immediate accommodation of the road, a day-oriented plan Checks on the night journey, the rebuilding of road markings and the provision of barriers to prevent the dangerous crossing by animals. In particular, the immediate adoption of tools and control programs, the Committee expects that the prefect convene without further delay the conference services to enable our more than legitimate civilian applications and could be implemented. "

La Nuova Sardegna

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Blueprint Swing Set Free


· Tuesday, March 1st 17:00 to 19:00

-------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------

Rome, the seat AICI
Via radio operators 70 / 7

Mediation is a process by which two or more 'parts are turning to a neutral third party , the Ombudsman, to reduce undesirable effects of a serious conflict.
Mediation aims to restore dialogue between the parties to reach a specific goal, satisfying for all that takes place once the parties have creatively reappropriate, for themselves and all those involved, of their active and responsible decision making.

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New Cross on the Olbia-Sassari, woman dies 44 years

Channel. A woman of 44 years, Angela Maria Nicolina Lezzeri, originally from San Nicolò Nughedu but resident in Olbia, died in a road accident on the height of the Channel. Shortly after 8 Opel Astra driven by Lezzeri, collided with a truck, because she would have tried to avoid a small animal crossing the road. Lezzeri after two violent drifters lost control of his car, ending up against a truck that proceeded in the opposite direction. The truck driver reported no injuries but was in shock.
La Nuova Sardegna

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Southpark Fishsticks Quotes

Ok the environmental impact assessment for the road Olbia-Sassari on Videolina

(AGI) - Cagliari, Feb. 7 -''We have taken another step forward for the building of a key strategic territory and to Sardinia.

Ours' a commitment that is confirmed in the steps are gradually making and will continue 'day by day with the utmost determination until the final result.'' Cosi 'regional president, Hugo Cappellacci, commented on the signing by the Environment Minister, Stefania Prestigiacomo, of the Environmental Impact Assessment for the highway Sassari-Olbia.

The news' was announced this morning the Councillor for Public Works, Sebastian Sannitu, Olbia at the customary meeting with the Popular Committee''Pro Sassari-Olbia route to four lanes.''

''The definition of the EIA (environmental impact assessment) era molto attesa - ha detto l'assessore - ora resta solo il visto formale del ministero dei Beni culturali che riteniamo si avra' in settimana con la firma del ministro Bondi''.

All'incontro odierno hanno preso parte il presidente della Provincia di Olbia Tempio, Fedele Sanciu, e, in rappresentanza del Comitato, Rita Padre, esponenti del sindacato, Marco Tarantola e Stefano Lubrano, rispettivamente direttore e presidente della Confindustria Nord Sardegna. Sannitu ha quindi riferito la nomina da parte dell'Anas dei due tecnici responsabili dei procedimenti per gli interventi sulla nuova strada. ''Le prossime scadenze - ha concluso l'assessore dei Lavori pubblici - riguardano la consegna projects for batch 0 and 1, and then the resulting service conferences to be held later this month or in early March.''

Thursday, February 3, 2011

120-55 Queens Blvd, Kew Gardens

Workshop The Hero with a Thousand Faces

The Hero with a Thousand Faces
The images can not say what the damage to see
Workshop with artist and photographer John MANDRA CERRONE IOVACCHINI

L ' Hero with a Thousand Faces
is a clear reference to the work of Joseph Campbell in the evolution of life along life's journey tracks a plurality of images unlimited timeless, unchanging and collective (archetypes) that link the individual consciousness with history of the universe and the planet. In this sense the care of art is actually art change and all languages \u200b\u200bhave a feature revealing the infinite forms of existence. The image, as a metaphor of reality, nourishes us and betrayed us, but it is not us, and through it can give us in the creative new name and new form, aware of the right-owners are pleased to recognize a body- knowledge, awareness of the natural ability to question, to know and produce knowledge.
would leave us with questions for the valuable work, life and thought in general.
The theory and practice of interdisciplinary planning conducted by the artist and photographer John Cerrone Mandra Iovacchini is an experience sharing and reporting, from analysis to implementation of the art project the goal is to provide participants with the tools to understand how to turn your creative assets. With the guidance of the conductors of the workshop participants will use a variety of techniques and exercises to focus their perception on the topic and develop the skills necessary to transform ideas into visual works. E 'primarily aimed at photographers, but each participant can intervene and create a work with the tools and techniques that are commonplace in the visual arts. People
ancillary material: paper and pen to make notes, body color, all sorts of accessories for face and body.
Issues techniques will not be of great concern here.
Mandra Cerrone
John Iovacchini
number of participants: min 15 max 30 is not the student No prerequisites are required unless a clear interest in the subject, listening and openness, without opinion, the most encouraging individual creativity
Feb. 27 times from 10.00 to 19.00 (lunch) at

Vallonchini Yacht Club - South End waterfront Roseto Degli Abruzzi, PE
Info and registration
Voilà Events

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Interactive Renal Games

Lacanian School of Psychoanalysis
Secretariat Milan

Agenda February 2011

Mercoledì 2 Febbraio 2011 ore 21.00
Sede: Umanitaria- Via San Barnaba, 48 Milano (1° piano)

Laboratorio clinico sulla costruzione del caso

Amelia Barbui presenterà una situazione
Donata Roma discutano

Venerdì 18 febbraio 2011 ore 21.00
at House of Culture, Burgundy Street 3, Milan - free admission

The experience of Lacanian psychoanalysis and its real

During the presentation of the book by Maurizio Mazzotti, prospects Lacanian Psychoanalysis (ed. Borla, 2009), talking together Maurizio Mazzotti, Manuel Férnandez Blanco, presiede Domenico Cosenza. La conferenza è organizzata dalla Biblioteca del Campo freudiano di Milano in collaborazione con la Segreteria Milanese della SLP e con l'Istituto freudiano.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Drivers License Place Columbus


Cecilia Falasca

ModulArt moving form

by Maddalena Rinaldi

MediaMuseum from January 26 to February 4, 2011

Monday - Saturday h 10.30/13.00 - 17.00/19.00

Press: Phone: +39 3922014471

Blog view:

Square Alessandrini, 34-65026 Pescara tel. 085.4517898 email:
Wednesday, January 26 at 18:00 at the MediaMuseum, Piazza Alessandrini 34 in Pescara, was inaugurated the exhibition by Cecilia Falasca, ModulArt form in motion.

The show cut curatorial act to retrace the main stages of the artist and track in a linear space of the museum, organized by topic area. Each section of the exhibition stands as a moment of reflection on the aesthetic journey of Cecilia Falasca, from the first tables 1986, to more recent works such as site-specific installations, Aquatic and 2010 Ever Ever green love 2010. An entire room is dedicated to the consultation of documentary materials, paper and media, referring to the most significant moments in the artist's research. Central node of the exhibition is the exhibition of sculptures ixi 2009 (pitches and interactive), sculptures and furniture always in flux, with which the viewer is invited to interact. The ixi
Sculptures in wood and marble dust colored, exposed and composed by the artist at the time, suffer endless variations due to the will of the spectator asked to disassemble and reassemble. The involvement of the public, happening's protagonist, will be emotional and cognitive, because he will create a new form, but also to their written records by completing a form critical part of the work's aesthetic Cecilia Falasca. The exhibition will thus be offering the public the chance di entrare nel ruolo dell’artista e di interpretare il senso estetico dell’opera a cui egli stesso darà vita.
Durante tutta la durata dell’esposizione, inoltre, una videocamera collegata ad un proiettore riprenderà quanto accade nelle sale del Museo, creando un singolare allestimento scenografico anch'esso in costante divenire, come le opere, ed il cui protagonista sarà sempre lo spettatore.
La ricerca estetica di Cecilia Falasca è tesa alla sperimentazione di nuove forme d’arte basate sull’interattività e sulla produzione di relazioni con l’Altro, forme che assumono come tema centrale l’elaborazione collettiva del senso. L’artista infatti sviluppa sin dal 1980 un linguaggio sublime e personale i cui attori principali sono la linea e la materia pittorica in rapporto con lo spazio circostante, come testimoniano le sue installazioni site specific ed i suoi interventi di Land Art. A partire dal progetto Gioca con me nel 2006, il protagonista indiscusso di tutta la sua produzione artistica diviene palesemente lo spettatore, a cui l’artista offre tracce e suggestioni demandando una possibile interpretazione dell’opera che si rinnova ad ogni sguardo. Nel 2009 inizia l’avventura con le Sculture iXi (itineranti-interattive) che oggi viaggiano in tutto il mondo (Bruxelles, Lione, Melbourne, New York) come pixel dispersi ma sempre interconnessi.
ModulArt Forme in MOVIMENTO, affronta con brio uno dei filoni di ricerca experimental contemporary art, relational aesthetics, which now the whole scene artistic and curatorial questions, returning to the sphere of artistic productions aimed at the creation of models of social participation that can produce interpersonal relationships. The theme is further elaborated in the exhibition catalog, available at the inauguration.

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Wording For Congratulations Baby

the angels

Lucio meets Russian Igor Sibaldi (writer and scholar of religion) and Elisa Cerrone (teacher of yoga)
QST GenioTv

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Skin Turning Black And Blisters On Skin

Friday, January 14, 2011

Spondylitis Treatment More Condition_symptoms


the service of the Tg of Videolina, anticipating the episode of "Monitor" of January 13, 2011.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Biblical Sports Quotes

the couple's bond January 15, 2011 # / group.php? gid = 159285592758

the couple's bond
sabato January 15 · 16:00 to 18:00

---- -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------

Place Rome, Via dei radiotelegraphists 70

meeting free, interactive, experiential
Bond, the pair bond
adultery, jealousy-what-the chastity belts

will open ... 'dialogue with participants on the most 'popular social relationship between institutional and often the two sexes, the genetic and evolutionary roots-tribal and barbaric, the myth and the moral and ethical justification-sentimental passion, with a view of the disruption that can cause anxiety, hostility and guilt.

are also called "infidelity," "treason," etc., and may relate to his word, love, friendship, team, an idea, a political party. even home. And all these things are judged in a positive way "fidelity", the "do not change its flag," the "is not intended gabbana", and words in general thesis idea never change. "Yeah. Do not change your mind. Which means it does not change ever opinions, tastes, inclinations, preferences and desideri.Ma is it possible? Is it not true that any progress, any growth, any development, enrichment, improvement, depends on individual and social improvement and in fact has always depended on the correct and change for the better beliefs, emotions and behaviors? enough to have only a superficial knowledge of the evolutionary history and the historical evolution of our species to realize this. And we know also that the evolution covers every species of animal and plant-and it is not even covering the entire material universe. The speech would be huge, but limiting infidelity erotic-sentimental, that is the simple, housewives and widespread "horns" of the title, is perhaps worthwhile to take some questions. But who invented the monogamy-and why?

www.aici participants have to pay only € 15.00
association membership info and bookings: send mail to, requests will be accepted no later than 10/01/2010

Thursday, January 6, 2011

What Kind Of Hair Do Myamme Have?

seminar Igor Sibaldi in Lanciano, CH

organized by Sivananda Yoga Center by Elisa
info and reservations costs: 338.3246587 elisa.shakti1
Elisa @
Mandra 3282885128
15 and 16 January in Lanciano, CH

Sibaldi Igor is a writer, theologian, literary historian . He works with radio and television networks. He regularly gives lectures and workshops on Angels, Spirit Guides, communication and trans-mental techniques for diagnosis and treatment of shamanism. He has published three novels and numerous essays on the history of Relig ... ion, all published by Mondadori. He has also edited several editions of the classics of Russian literature (forty volumes).
of the recently published 'Dictionary - The words from worlds greatest "(Soul Edition)," The Book of Personality "(Frassinelli).
presentation of the seminar Igor Sibaldi
"In short, anyone who went to high school he studied philosophy but not hopeless skepticism and obedience, and therefore the expression" take life philosophy "means, in essence, learning to resign.
Igor The philosopher thinks that instead of setting its course (for all ages) based on the following principles:
- philosophy, you first need to create joy, joy dell'accorgersi and understanding, if not with the joy does not serve to nothing, and if does not understand the joy, not a figure;
- this joy is the creative power, that is the confidence of individuals in the skills that their mind has to change the world;
- this joy certain foods are essential intellectuals
precision in language, the
courage to identify clear objectives ("what I really want?");
purity (which is basically as often as possible in asking "why?");
and freedom from tradition: the only real reason why it is good known philosophers of the past, is to get new points of view than those who want to impose the existing traditions. So
explains the main dynamics Western philosophy in its relations and conflicts with a wealth of wisdom lost, that - in reality - anyone can find himself in
at any time when he begins to think and to really change the world "
http://www. /

What Kind Of Hair Myamme


Wednesday, January 5, 2011 at 17:00 in the halls
FP Tosti, G. D'Annunzio of Pescara
former Aurum will open the exhibition
ABSTRACT PARALLEL Carlo D'Orta and Danilo Susi.
ITINERANT are images that are already presented in 2010 in institutional and private galleries of Ancona, Bologna and Paris, attained their fourth venue, Pescara, enhanced by a site-specific LA CITTA'PARALLELA Albano Paolinelli. The vernissage will intervene
the Councillor for Culture of the Municipality of Pescara, Elena Seller, art critics, and Giovanni Antonio Zimarino blessing, the director of Edizioni Dummy, Gaetano Basti, who edited the catalog.
The exhibition will run until 30 January 2011, the museum hours, and you will see two other events:
-Saturday, January 15 at 17.00, afternoon music show with a national preview of the DVD "ITALIA150" pictures of Daniel and Susi music by Andrea Castelfranato young guitarist Lanciano
-Saturday, January 29 at 17:00 finissage charities and presentation of the project "Mobile clinics in Angola," the non-profit organization "Marco Di Martino di Pescara, which will be presented by Dr. Tonino Natarelli.

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Saturday, January 1, 2011

June Birthday Clip Art

Segreteria di Milano

Agenda di Gennaio 2011

Mercoledì 12 Gennaio 2011 ore 21.00
Sede: Umanitaria- Via San Barnaba, 48 Milano (1° piano)

Laboratorio incontro-studio in preparazione al Primo Congresso Europeo di Psicoanalisi PIPOL 5  " THERE MENTAL HEALTH?" to be held in Brussels on 1 and 2 July 2011
Carlo Viganò will respond to The transition from illness to mental health . Semblances and symptoms comment on the title, it raises a question about the 'existence mental health. It 'a question that can be placed in the series (existentialism, adolescence, critics ...) who has returned to the press, the semblance of poetry that held the feeling of reality ( feeling off reality): Dio, la felicità, l’utile e anche il sapere. Per introdurre il modo con cui l’esperienza analitica dell’inconscio, affronta questo interrogativo e come lo rettifichi in una questione che concerne il soggetto, cercherò di mettere in luce il momento, la contingenza che ha dato al sembiante “salute mentale” un posto di rilievo nel discorso sociale. Si tratta infatti di un momento cruciale, quello degli anni ’80 e ’90, in cui la concezione moderna dell’utilitarismo è esplosa, assieme a quella del tempo e quindi del progresso (vedi intervento di Bossola). L’utile ha perso ogni ancoraggio alla singolarità soggettiva (malattia e guarigione), per trasformarsi in social ideal (right to health and happiness). My speech will result so how the current practice of operational convenience, the form of enjoyment, this ideological transformation reserve individual. In this regard, I will nod to one of the starting points of Lacan: the logical time, which today we take as the "unconscious reality." The real marks the time to understand that today we would say that the object goes to work as a , is the analyst's response to the explosion of linear time. In a memo of 1966 Lacan states: the collective is not the subject of the individual, the team is not like the outward and social ideals. (Carlo Viganò)
Valerio Canzian focus and interrogate some points in the text C. Viganò