Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Travel Trailer Supports

L'incidente sulla Olbia-Sassari nel quale ha perso la vita l'insegnante

OLBIA. Una sola ora di lezione. Doveva fare la prima alle elementari di Monti, e poi sarebbe tornata a Olbia, dagli altri suoi alunni, e infine a casa dalla sorella malata e dai tre figli. Una vita passata in macchina, da una scuola all’altra della Gallura, nella difficile condizione di maestra precaria. Ieri mattina Lina Lezzeri, 44, died in his car crushed under a truck. Yet another cross on the Sassari-Olbia. Yet another death in the workplace, as they say her colleagues.

"We heard a roar, as if a bomb had exploded," say the employees of the Q8 service station, and on the stretch between Enas Channel. Before them, on the highways, it was the teacher of the Opel Astra stuck under the nose of Tir, and a column of white smoke. They saw the driver of the truck yelling, gave the alarm to 118, to the police. At that time many motorists have passed, because the Sassari-Olbia, at that time, almost eight in the morning, it is always busy.

It was a harrowing scene, everyone understood that there was nothing to do. Lina Lezzeri died on the spot. He was 44 years, leaves her husband, Gianfranco Campus, a native of San Nicolò Nughedu like her sister, long ill, and three sons (one, an adult, the first year of college, the other two males in the sixth grade and fifth grade). She had gone from their home in Rudalza, where they have a riding school. He had to go to elementary Mountains, had only one lesson, the first. He has spent a lifetime on the roads of Gallura. Precarious, last year taught Monti, Anthony di Gallura, Bassacutena.

È stata in prima linea con le colleghe per veder riconosciuto il diritto a un posto fisso, che per lei sarebbe arrivato probabilmente l’anno prossimo. Conosceva le insidie della Sassari-Olbia, e non stava correndo. Era su un rettilineo, con molta visibilità. Le ha attraversato la strada una martora e non è riuscita a evitarla. Più grande di una donnola, più piccolo di una volpe, quell’animaletto, quasi in via d’estinzione in Gallura, ha fatto perdere a Lina Lezzeri il controllo della sua macchina. Che ha invaso la corsia dove stava arrivando il Tir.

Non sarebbe successo, se ci it was 4 lanes with median. The impact was devastating: the left side of Opel Astra has come under the left side of the truck, and the car was pushed back for 50 meters. The conducting of Tir, Sandro Pianetta, 53 years old, but living in Villamassargia Villaspeciosa, tried to brake, an instinctive gesture, but unnecessary. It fell from the truck, shocked, and the doctors of 118, arrived shortly after, only had to rescue him. "Every day, even in Questro stretch of straight, there are dangers" they always say the employees of Q8. That piece of Sassari-Olbia, between 48.3 and 52 km, was closed for hours to enable the police to do pads and the fire brigade to pull from the wreckage of Opel Astra Lezzeri Lina's body. At 11, the movement is back to normal. Not the life of a family torn by grief. The nth.

Yesterday's was another of the cross Olbia-Sassari. "In light of yet another tragedy, the People's Committee recalls Anas and regulatory bodies (Province and Region) also requests made last February 7 - Rita writes Father, chairman of the Committee for the four-lane -. On that occasion, as in previous to Olbia and Cagliari in 2010, the Committee had underlined the extreme danger caused by the insufficient maintenance, requiring once again the safety Anas artery.

Until they leave the shipyard for the new road, however the problem and aware that we carry for many years, the urgent demands of the Committee concerned the immediate accommodation of the road, a day-oriented plan Checks on the night journey, the rebuilding of road markings and the provision of barriers to prevent the dangerous crossing by animals. In particular, the immediate adoption of tools and control programs, the Committee expects that the prefect convene without further delay the conference services to enable our more than legitimate civilian applications and could be implemented. "

La Nuova Sardegna


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