Olbia. Lezzeri Lina's funeral will be held tomorrow. Today it is expected the autopsy, a duty because there is little doubt about the dynamics of the accident. Caused by the inadequacy of Sassari-Olbia. A road on which heavy traffic passes of enormous proportions that the two lanes can not stand. Yesterday was a day of sorrow for the community Nughedu who lives in Olbia, and the country of origin of the new road death of death, the 82 nd from 1995. Da due anni e mezzo si rimanda l'arrivo dei fondi che servirebbero ad avviare i lavori. Mancano i soldi ma non le promesse, puntualmente disattese. E gli incidenti gravi, gravissimi, proseguono. Ieri si è scatenato il dibattito, in città ma anche nei social network, diventati la piazza virtuale su cui parlare dei problemi della comunità. C'è chi censura il fatto che molti utilizzino le strade come pista di corsa da formula uno. Ma anche l'incidente di due giorni fa alle porte di Olbia ha dimostrato come l'emergenza principale della Sassari-Olbia sia la mancanza di un guard rail centrale e della protezione ai lati della strada che impedisca l'accesso sull'asfalto ai piccoli animali selvatici. Per capire come il guard-rail sia fondamentale, enough to average accident determined by the invasion of lane on the first section of the Carlo Felice on 131 branch or central Nuoro before the installation of barriers on the center line. Percentages markedly different. On the Sassari-Olbia, instead continue to die, especially for the invasion of the aisle. Or reckless overtaking, as happened two days ago, the jump across the road after losing control of their own half for a simple fact: the entrance road in a wild animal. Tuesday on this issue has sided with the decision, "the Popular Committee for the 4-lane road." With reasoning essentially unassailable awaiting the start of work on the doubling of the road, you still need to initiate a plan to improve the safety conditions of the track. That at this time shows a worn road surface and the total absence of protective nets on the sides of the road. Actions taken in this direction would be at least one act of good will. The governing center from Rome to Cagliari and even the province of Gallura, after so many promises, do something.
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