new accelerator for the construction of Sassari-Olbia. Today came the signature of the Minister of Culture Sandro Bondi, the Environmental Impact Assessment on the draft of the new road, following that of Environment Minister Matteoli. The announcement was the president of the region, Ugo Cappellacci, and the President of the Province of Olbia-Tempio, Fedele Sanciu.
"We continue to work with maximum effort, step by step - said the governor - to reach that goal is not only a strategic, but also a moral duty of the Executive '. It was the same minister Bondi, with a phone call to the President of the Province of Olbia-Tempio, to communicate that he affixed his signature on the Environmental Impact Assessment, confirming what was already said during his meeting last week between the president and the minister Sanciu. "The announcement of the signing - says Sanciu - brings ever closer the start of work for the realization of Sassari-Olbia. We have in stock a real team intent on lost time in these years. "Meanwhile, today the seat of the provincial conference was held services on the draft of the ninth batch of SS 199 and reported the new head compartment Sardinia Anas beans, lots 0, 1 and 9 will be under contract by March 31.
L'Unione Sarda
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