Sassari. for him has become a real mission. Enthusiasm spreads, the Regional Councillor for Public Works, Sebastian Sannitu. That such tight deadlines for the Sassari-Olbia: by March calls for tender in the autumn yards in the first three batches. I'm not a continuation of the other, but they are at the ends of the new four-lane highway. For the other six lots, the largest portion of asphalt, for now the money is only virtual.
The project is the same, as explained in the spring of 2008 in Sassari, the civil engineer's office, by then councilor Carlo Mannoni. It also invited to services conference organized by region and by Anas are the same: the mayors of the municipalities that border the path, the Province of Sassari, local archaeological and landscape protection. With some reservations, the assembly said yes, lots and zero one can go.
tracking. The miles are fifteen: 2.5 in batch zero, from km 131 to 192 of the junction for Ploaghe, 12.5 in a batch, from the intersection with State 597 Mesu 'and Rios (Ozieri). Estimated cost: 55 to 100 million euro. The plot begins with a zero release to trumpet the 131 and ends with a second release: the slip è nuova di zecca perché, hanno spiegato i tecnici, «era impossibile adeguare il tracciato esistente». Stessi problemi nei 12 chilometri successivi, in cui la nuova strada affianca l'attuale statale 597, destinata ad accogliere il traffico locale. Dopo 4 chilometri la prima inversione di marcia, frequenti le interconnessioni con la vecchia strada e la viabilità di servizio progettata per consentire l'accesso alle proprietà. Al chilometro 9 (Ardara) altro svincolo con rotatoria. Al chilometro 11, all'altezza del Rio Badu Ruju, il progetto prevede un nuovo ponte in acciaio e calcestruzzo e l'adeguamento dell'esistente. Due chilometri dopo, la quattro corsie si allontana dal vecchio tracciato all'altezza della curva di Mesu 'e Rios (Ozieri junction) and move to the left. A mile after the new release, and to reach Ozieri Chilivani. Here ends the first batch.
La Nuova Sardegna
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