Tuesday, October 19, 2010

What Body System Does Tendonitis Effect

Sassari-Olbia, Blufi on four lanes in January at all sites

The Councillor for Public Works Bastianino Sannitu admits: "There are money and environmental impact assessment." The Region aims to raise the funds with a mortgage, but will lengthen the time to begin to work on the construction of four lanes Sassari-Olbia
Luca Rojc
Un incidente sulla Sassari-Olbia
An accident on Sassari-Olbia
Olbia. The spot ends up in the attic. No sites in January to four lanes. But in the end no one had ever thought. Change the commissioner and his changing times, costs, and certainty for the way of promises. The promotional campaign nuumero a former Public Works in the Region, Angelo Charter is dematerialized by his deputy, Bastianino Sannitu.

Sannitu most uncomfortable sitting in the chair of the junta Cappellacci, pretending to be there very well and without fear of the anger of all the bad news Gallura curls. Not only lack money, but was not completed even the environmental impact assessment. Sannitu brings us face and courage and choose a low profile, even if it never goes against his predecessor. Meet the provincial government and il presidente Fedele Sanciu. Il senatore tesse le lodi dell'unico rappresentante gallurese in giunta. Lui si concentra sulla Sassari-Olbia.

«Non sono venuto a fare proclami - dice Sannitu -, parlerò solo con notizie certe, con date e dati sicuri». E come se fino a qualche settimana fa da vicepresidente della Regione avesse vissuto in un eremo irraggiungibile dal resto della giunta parla da debuttante al balletto della politica. «Non ho ancora un quadro preciso - spiega -. Domani sarò a Roma per capire a che punto è l'iter per la valutazione di impatto ambientale. So che ci sono buone prospettive perché venga terminata in breve tempo. l'iter burocratico della strada si potrebbe concludere entro l'anno». The sites will not open as promised by January 2011.

"No, do not open in January - said Sannitu - and perhaps even before the summer." He says the commissioner in a seraphic timeless philosophical dimension. 'It goes back to the race dates - continued -. Better to start when everything is defined with certainty. Bureaucratic processes, procedures and funding in the Roman palaces. " The cost of the road is another mystery. Now the commissioner stares at € 695 million.

enough in 2008 to 470 million euro, prices G8. To the deputy of the Democratic Party in 2009 Giulio Calvisi funds for the four lanes were to reach 522 million. The region has always claimed that 630 million euro would not be enough. Sannitu makes extensive use of cosmetics politics, but the impression is that the time to see the first workers on the street went off. Has not been completed the environmental impact assessment.

There is no certainty for resources. The 163 million of government funds in the words councilor are now 200. Sannitu argues that lack of funds 358 000 000 Fas, and the rest to get to 695 will be obtained with a mortgage of the European Investment Bank. But he never tires of repeating. "You must not fixate on one point - he says - nor the precise date, nor on the money. Be seen along a path.

Nessuno in Gallura più di me ha lottato per questa strada. Per questo non faccio, né farò, proclami. Parleranno solo i fatti». Con scioltezza getta via anche la proposta arrivata dall'ex assessore Carlo Mannoni. Usare i 400 milioni dal fondo che la Regione ha per le infrastrutture. «Non si possono utilizzare - dice -, devono essere infrastrutture funzionali alle imprese. E la Sassari-Olbia non lo è». Accanto a Sannitu il presidente Sanciu. Sul tavolo la Sassari-Olbia, ma anche le altre strade. Sanciu è ottimista.

«Siamo accanto a Bastianino e siamo certi che riusciremo a realizzare questa infrastruttura. Per ora cominciamo con un'altra opera preliminare. Senza questa i lavori zero for the lot will not start. I mean the way to Santu spirtu. Connect the 131 to San Raffaele and Murta Maria. When completed it will work on the bridge of Padrongianus. Serve 3 million euro to complete. We are also ready to contribute, if something comes from Cagliari. But the region not only has the 695 million for the Sassari-Olbia, but even the 3 million for the Spiritu Santu.

La Nuova Sardegna


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