Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Cruising Spot In New Jersey

E 'where the new site of Olbia dell'IPAA! REGISTRATION 2009/2010

E 'where the new site of the Professional Institute of Agriculture and the Environment in Olbia

Visit our website, you will find all the info you are looking over us.

Ipaa Olbia, your future is here!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Wedding Dance Mount And Blade Mod

TO SUBSCRIBE TO CLASS 1st, 2nd and 3rd
must submit by the 28th of February APPLICATION FORM +

riceuta a payment of € 25.00 payable to the ccp 19227073
motive: contribution enrollment as2009/2010

TO REGISTER FOR THE CLASS 4A (Including the 4th night)
must submit by the 28th of February APPLICATION FORM +

riceuta a payment of € 25.00 payable to the ccp 19227073
causale:contributo iscrizione a.s.2009/2010 +

una ricevuta di versamento di € 21,17 sul c.c.p. 1016
intestato ad Agenzia delle Entrate
causale:iscrizione e frequenza a.s. 2009/2010


una riceuta di versamento di € 25,00 sul c.c.p. 19227073
causale:contributo iscrizione a.s.2009/2010 +

una ricevuta di versamento of € 15.13 on ccp
1016 payable to Inland Revenue
reference: 2009/2010 enrollment and attendance as

NOTE: Those who register for the first time

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Vagaina Waxing Designs

Students dell'IPAA I would like to inform you that day: Sunday 15 from 8.00 to 12.00 and Monday 16th from 8.30 to 13.30 for the election of representatives of school, parents and pupils.
Because our school is of poor students, the vote should be focused on one person. We will give you information about who is who be voted.
The administrator of the blog: Andrea Leonardi

Monday, October 19, 2009

Mount And Blade The Wedding Guest

"Mom and Dad:

are scripts or counterscript? "

intergenerational communication strategy for parents

" If you touch me with sweetness and tenderness
If you look at me and I
If you smile a few times before I talk about plays
I grow up, grow up really. "
(Bradley, 9 years)

Few find it easy to be a" good parent ", others regard it as very difficult, most rocks. For some parents, like children, others find them irritants, others, for various reasons, find it difficult to approach. Others, finally, experience from time to time all these moods.

"The frightening fact about heredity and the environment depend on us is that both parents" (James M.).

Parents set an emotional climate which, like the air, can succeed against the growth of young, hot or cold, mild or harsh, constructive or destructive. They can take care of their children in a firm but tender, thereby encouraging positive strokes through the scripts of construction on the contrary, through the lack of attention or care negative, encouraging non-productive and destructive scripts. In any case, the best thing parents can do is examine your script and decide whether or not worth the trouble to pass it to another generazione.Obiettivo end of this course is to help singles or couples to go back the way they have learned to be parents when they were children. That is, identify the identity of each, acquired during its history.

Each of us learned in childhood a mode of "being" and message today for their children. It 'important to understand what this is really functional or not.

The course takes place in four sessions on a weekly basis,

in groups of up to 8 people,
last for 2 h at

The course is taught by: Dr.
in Counseling and Family Mediation:

Stephanie Cervoni and Ana Maria Kaplan
(Master NLP & Advanced Gestalt) - associated FAIP Italian Federation of Psychotherapy for
Info and registration: Tel 329/2639270

" It 's really something very desirable to be of noble birth, but the glory belongs to our fathers "(Plutarch)

AICI Italian Association of Integrated Counseling

within the Tivoli : Via dei Pini 1 / c - Rome office: Via Roma 70 radio operators

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Fevers More Condition_symptoms

Boys dell'IPAA a new school year started, the schedule is as follows from 8.15 to 12.30.
up the good work.

The head of the blog
Andrea Leonardi

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

New Baby Arrival Email Sample

Start teaching

dell'IPAA students are informed that the business school will resume Thursday 17/09/2009 alle ore 8.15

Il responsabile del blog
Andrea Leonardi

Monday, June 15, 2009

South Park Fishticks Quotes

Happy holidays!

Tavolara (Olbia, Sardegna)

Auguro to all students of Olbia dell'IPAA good summer!

The head of the blog

Diego Fresu

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Mucus In Stools More Condition_symptoms

Happy birthday dear blog! The School of the Future

Wednesday, April 9, 2008, few children born from an idea of \u200b\u200bthe Institute blog Training for the agriculture and the environment. In a year of this blog has tried to give greater visibility to our school, I hope that with the union (desired) of all students can continue to fight to sit in the pews of Olbia dell'agraria!

Il Responsabile Diego

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Lump On Back More Condition_symptoms

snubbed by the city

The city of brick has set a trend among students. Environmental matters risk of disappearing from school. Dell'Ipaa The existence hangs by a thread. Not even ten pupils to a school that has similar Gallura. Entries for January thrown into turmoil Caboni Louis, the director of the institute Amsicora. The 25 members a year ago are gone. The numbers for 2009 are chilling: in 12 months more than half of the aspiring students as dell'Agrario is evaporated. "I'll have to call parents to inform him that this time the first can not be established - said the dean -. Were at least twelve we could do the miracle, but in this situation will not be possible. I'm sorry, but if they want to attend should go to Ipaa Siniscola, the nearest. " Caboni there can be no peace, can not accept that an institution like her to disappear from the landscape school Olbia. "It seems absurd - he adds - in a region that thrives on nature, environment and tourism, or almost no one takes into account the possibility of registering all'Ipaa. Also because it is the only school that does not produce the unemployed. I can not explain the decline. We have done everything possible to revitalize the institution, enrollments of 2008 we had hope, but now came the cold shower. "

La Nuova Sardegna, 31 March 2009

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Homemade Water Feachers

ideas and correct language and improve the school's blog, open letter to students dell'Ipaa

many comments that the blog has received in recent days, all ridiculous and childish. I leave in a few months of school and the administration of this blog, I would not want my work was in vain, that everything was built with photos, information about the school etc. was destroyed by nonsense and devoid of moral feedback. Boy, I wish that this appeal was welcomed, especially by newcomers, with idee originali e allo stesso tempo che coinvolgano e interessino più ragazzi possibili al nostro Istituto. Solo così potrete andare avanti, non scrivendo commenti deleteri, i quali, finchè questo blog verrà amministrato da me, non verranno mai pubblicati. L'educazione e il rispetto sono la base di una società civile, rispettiamo queste semplici regole e non facciamoci influenzare da ambienti e compagnie esterne alla scuola, se pubblicassi quei commenti, io andrei contro al buon costume, prestigio ed importanza che la nostra scuola ha avuto da sempre su tutto il territorio Gallurese.

Diego Fresu

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Clogged Arteris And Vitiligo

A garden to remember Albert and Vincent

The tears of children and teachers, that wet colorful garden primroses, born a few minutes in the courtyard of the school Ettore Pais. It 's a time of great pain and deep emotion. To commemorate two young students flew in the sky at 14 years: Alberto Virdis (killed last January 27 by a meningococcal sepsis) and Vincenzo Turcarolo, who died three months ago for an incurable disease. E 'has been given to them that this oasis green. A lick to the center, which dominates, with a myriad of small plants around, including rosemary, myrtle, mastic and cineraria. Students lead the Agricultural Institute all that is needed, led by their director Salvatore Soro. With hoes and rakes make the job more difficult. Then leave the room for the classmates of Albert and Vincent who, with difficulty, can read the messages full of memories. The row of students is dense: they all want to plant a flower. But before them there are the parents of Albert, mother and grandmother of Vincent, the other relatives. All gloves are caught, they take a primrose in his hand and, torn by an indelible pain, bend over in front of the fresh earth. The touching ceremony begins at 11.30 am yesterday. When the garden has taken shape. Talk to the manager of the school Pais, Paola Deturco. He thanked pupils, teachers, psychologists. "I do not is linked with the implementation of this project - he says - but the occurrence of a moment that will remain in the memory of all. The idea came from a deep need to consolidate a friendship that is also expressed through the relationship with nature that brings out the strongest feelings that we will never forget two wonderful boys. " Their comrades held tight between his fingers those pieces of paper full of nostalgia and then, in turn, begin to read. Melanie speaks first, between sobs. Alberto was special for her, in his message he calls "loved". "Albi, I remember when I promised that I'd never left - -. writes I miss you so much. " George: "Alberto was my best friend. He was stubborn, did not like school a lot and he liked to go out. But it was good that the best person I have ever known. " "There is more fun without you - plus other friends - without your lines is difficult to smile, we miss your smile. Your bank is there, empty and silent, but you will always be with us. " And then the messages for Vincent. "Three months ago, you left us. And every day that passes, we hear more and more miss you. This oak and everything that surrounds it, are for you and Alberto. A sign of affection we feel for all my life. " "You're our little angel and you're so good and so educated, so shy and so kind. Now you're up there and we know that we protect. " Even the photo of Vincent is on the wall of what was her class. 'E' and as if we were watching us, so we feel your presence. " The garden is finished. The ceremony was concluded. The commissioner of Education Uccio Iodice, is aimed at kids: "I invite you to come here in difficult times, even when you continue your schooling elsewhere. Alberto and Vincenzo will give you the strength to go forward. " The psychologists Lapedda Barbara Farris and Marie Antoinette, the project coordinator, are always there, middle school Ettore Pais, with their door listening. Every day the alongside fellow Albert and Michael. Those guys still need help, should release all the pain they have inside.

La Nuova Sardegna

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Adult Star Pinky Homepage

Chemical composition of wine

part of the sugars, glucose and fructose fermentation damage while the galactose is fermented with difficulty. In wines we find the presence of other compounds that belong to the group of sugars such as aldoses arabinose and xylose (already present in the must) rhamnose and ribose: the latter comes from the metabolism of yeasts. On sugar, therefore, act not only bacteria but also yeasts homolactic that can transform glucose and fructose into lactic acid bacteria and heterolactic that metabolize sugars into lactic acid and acetic acid and are responsible for the defect referred to as the starting lactic, occur when the temperature of 'environment is too high, stopping the fermentation, the fermentation heterolactic leading to the production of other compounds harmful to the structure and aroma. Should also be defined as the development of bacteria Acetic acid on grape Unsound increases the volatile acidity in wine. After ethanol, present in quantities ranging from 50 to 200 g / l, glycerol, also known as glycerin, is alcohol present in wine in larger quantities (8-10 g / l) and can be present from the starting juice from grapes "moldy" from botrytis (Botritis cinerea) or from healthy grapes. Acetic acid is already present in the must and can be an increase in its concentration in wine by acetic acid bacteria that attack the format and process it into ethanol (in presence of oxygen) respectively in the above-mentioned through the intermediate step in the compound acetaldehyde . The work of the terrible acetic acid bacteria also includes the formation of ester (chemical compound formed from an acid and an alcohol) to the combination of acetic acid and ethanol with the consequent production of ethyl acetate, acetic main actor of the cue. Compared to the must in wine there is a decrease in the concentration of tartaric acid and instead the new presence of succinic acid. The structure of the water must first be transformed during the fermentation process in water and ethanol and this results in a lower solubility of salts present in wine such as potassium and calcium tartrate. The yeasts in the must consume various items such as calcium, sulfates and phosphates that find themselves with lower concentrations in the finished drink.

In vinification of red grapes were cut in a handover of substances containing nitrogen (N) from solid parts of the raw material to the juice that ferments, some of these substances are demolished and are being transformed by the action of yeast during the process: this is the case ammoniacal nitrogen and the amino acid proline is for a yeast nitrogen tank that can be used in case of shortcomings of the element: that is why its concentration in wine is variable, usually greater than the juice, and preserves the predominance of the amino acids of the alcoholic beverage. In the must, however, there are few polyphenols and color is very pale, because the dyes were observed only nel vino rosso dopo la macerazione.
In caso di vinificazione in bianco diminuiscono le sostanze colloidali per la demolizione svolta nel mosto da specifici enzimi ( la pectinmetilesterasi e la poligalatturonasi) sulle pectine, molecole complesse formate da tante unità di acido galatturonico , in generale, nel passaggio dal mosto al vino diminuisce l'acido galatturonico ed aumenta il mannosio, derivato dall'attività dei lieviti. E' vero anche che una minore quantità di polifenoli significa più proteine in soluzione e rischio di successive precipitazioni con le conseguenti "casses proteiche" di cui parleremo quando affronteremo i "difetti" del vino. Nei vini rossi invece, per la grande quantità di polifenoli presenti, le proteine is insoluble grape solids and spent many colloids resulting haze: we must take action to remedy the problem correctly.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Polyp More Condition_symptoms

State Exam Table 2009

public matters that concern the class V ^ A IPAA at the next state examination:

Address Agrotecnica (New Order)
Qualification: Diploma of Education degree in secondary business address Agrotecnica

  • first written test carried out by the Commissariat internal : ITALIAN
  • area of \u200b\u200bthe second written test affidata al commisario esterno : TECNICHE DELLE PRODUZIONI, TRASFORMAZIONE E VALORIZZAZIONE DEI PRODOTTI.
  • Altre materie affidate ai commisari esterni: DIRITTO E LEGISLAZIONE, ECOLOGIA APPLICATA.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Cubefield Small Screen

Regional needs labor in agriculture

Coltivazioni erbacee ed orticole h/uomo per ha
Frumento, orzo e avena 48
Mais da granella 64
Soia 40
Sulla 47
Erbai in asciutto 34
40 grass in irrigated alfalfa
polyphyte dry Prato Prato 14
Pasture 9
Saffron 2600

Arboreal Cultivation h / man has
Olive Oil from 367
Oil 620, table
Vineyards wine grape Awning 602
Table grape vineyards. Awning 903


Monday, January 12, 2009

Congestive Heart Disease More Condition_symptoms


This blog was created to give a modest contribution to the memory of one of the darkest moments in the history of Crotone. The execution of Melinda or Fragala, mystified that event, which took him a martyr of the Italian Social Movement and the struggle by peasants and religious characters in a common struggle, in tricolor red flags. Because there is Justice must first review the memory and return the tragic events in history with its real size, not the one intended by the false Italian Communist Party.
massacre MELISSA HISTORY mystify ...


On October 29, 1949 Melissa farmers in the province of Crotone, led by the founder of the local section of the Italian Social Movement and veteran of World War II, Francesco Nigro (Melissa 1920-1949), with a Following their family and work tools, peaceful occupation of vacant lands in the district Fragala. The police called the noble owner of the land occupied Berlingeri, after several attempts to vacate the occupied land, they passed the hard way, throwing tear gas and firing shots at head height, three farmers were killed in the same Francis Nigro, Giovanni Zito, Angelina Mauro hit back and 15 other demonstrators were wounded. Francesco Nigro is the first martyr of the MSI fell during a fight, opening a long and sad series of victims in the Italian right post-bellica.Pochi years ago by the newspaper "The Crotonese", with an article attempting to restore the truth always mystified by the Italian Communist Party and never claimed by the Italian Social Movement, in fact, just look at the picture in the council of the town of Crotone, showing Nigro during the march to the estate of uncultivated Fragala with a red flag in hand, the flag never existed. Crotonese through the testimonies had to reconstruct the facts, which in reality more than a fight partisan politics, was a genuine popular movement for peasant character-religious country where all (without exception), the dawn began marching toward the vacant lot. The priest intimated that there had to be red flags, and so it was ... all running with tricolor national anthem and songs farmers. For decades, the Italian Communist Party before, and the left today have professed as the instigators of the peasant struggle, with the help of local administrators who have succeeded over time, just to see how the story is still reported from the site of the town Melissa. The MSI, however, strangely enough, if not timid attempts with local not ever claimed the martyr and his participation at the event.

We'll do it to spread the truth: http://www.eccidiodimelissa.blogspot.com/

(commemorative postcard of the time)


Francesco Nigro is the first fallen
or the bustling Italian Social anus


(Monumento ai caduti di Melissa - Fragalà)



Francesco Nigro - Melissa (kr) - 29 ottobre 1949: Ucciso dalla polizia mentre guidava una protesta contadina, durante l'occupazione di un latifondo nobiliare, finita nel sangue, con la sua morte e quella dei contadini Giovanni Zito e Angelina Mauro, in quello che è ricordato come l'eccidio di Melissa. Invano per anni il PCI cercò di dimostrare che Nigro era comunista, Nigro era tesserato e fondatore della locale sezione dell'MSI.

Ugo Venturini - Genova - 18 aprile 1970: E' in corso un comizio del MSI, sul palco fra gli altri Giorgio Almirante. La tensione è alle stelle. Un gruppo di camalli, armato degli uncini di ferro utilizzati per scaricare il cotone dalle navi mercantili attacca il comizio. Obbiettivo è il palco e gli esecrabili dirigenti locali e nazionali. Ugo Venturini, insieme ad altri camerati non scappa. Ugo viene raggiunto da un sasso sulla testa e cade dying on the pavement, died May 1.

Falvella Charles - Salem - July 7, 1972: stabbed to death by an anarchist in the house and two militants dell'ultrasinistra.

Stephen Virgilio Mattei - Rome Primavalle - April 16, 1973: was the night between 15 and 16 April 1973, in the tenement where he lived Mario Mattei, the garbage man who dared to make the secretary of the MSI section Giarabub Primavalle in Rome, the neighborhood had to be and remain red when a fire broke out, lit by a petrol poured under the door. Mario Mattei with his wife e quattro figli riuscirono a scamparla, mentre Virgilio tenta di sfuggire alle fiamme salvando il fratello Stefano di 8 anni, il più grande e il più piccolo dei sei figli. I pompieri li trovarono carbonizzati e abbracciati vicino la finestra che non erano riusciti a scavalcare. Vennero accusati per la strage tre militanti di Potere Operaio, nel giudizio di primo grado i tre vennero assolti per mancanza di prove mentre il PM Domenico Sica aveva chiesto come pena l'ergastolo!

Giuseppe santostefano - Reggio Calabria - 31 luglio 1973: Durante un comizio del Partito comunista, il sindacalista viene aggredito da un gruppo militant red. He died a few hours later without regaining consciousness.

Emanuele Zilli - Pavia - November 5, 1973: Emanuele Zilli, 25, activist and member of the Italian Social Movement was taken by a cam communists while he was in front of the headquarters of MSI and savagely beaten.

Mikis Mantakas - Roma - February 28, 1975: E 'February 28, 1975 and ongoing violence against the Roma National Youth People. Was assassinated in Rome in Piazza Risorgimento, the student of the greek FUAN, Mikis Mantakas. The fault which he had spotted was that of having participated alle manifestazioni di protesta di metà febbraio per l'orribile assassinio dei Fratelli Mattei. Studente universitario straniero, attivo militante del FUAN. Mikis fu ucciso a colpi d'arma da fuoco durante un assalto alla sede MSI di Via Ottaviano.Giuseppe Mazzola,

Graziano Giralucci - Padova 17 giugno 1974: Un gruppo di fuoco delle BR fa irruzione nella sede del MSI di Padova. Nella sede vi sono due militanti, Giuseppe e Graziano. Vengono ammazzati come cani. La stampa di regime tenterà di addossare la colpa degli omicidi ad una faida interna fra Camerati aggiungendo dolore alle famiglie straziate.

Sergio Ramelli - Milan - March 29, 1975: The March 13, 1975, at approximately 13 Sergio Ramelli resident at Via Amadeo 40, was supporting the motor just around the corner with Via Paladini near his home. Was assaulted by some young people armed with wrenches: after trying desperately to defend himself with his hands protecting his head and yelling, was hit several times and left on the ground to be examined. In the following weeks alternated with long periods of unconsciousness brief periods of lucidity and died April 29, 1975.

Zicchieri Mario - Rome - October 29, 1975: E 'on the afternoon of October 29, 1975 when a group of boys are about to open, as every afternoon, the section of the MSI as a Prenestino Erasmus Gattamelata. Chatting with his back to the road when a car arrives, a window is lowered, leaving the barrel of a gun that explodes cut a few quick shots, hitting in the middle of the group of guys. The deadly volley of buckshot Zicchieri Mario kills instantly.

Ernico Pedenovi - Milan April 29, 1976: killed a year later by Ramelli militant left-wing candidates to enter the "front line" with shots of a firearm in the house at 7am.

Pistolesi Angelo - Rome - December 28, 1977: Ucciso sotto casa dopo averlo fatto scendere con una scusa, con colpi d'arma da fuoco dal gruppo "Nuovi Partigiani".

Franco Bigonzetti - Roma - 7 gennaio 1978: Ucciso da un commando di 5-6 giovani con colpi di mitraglietta dinanzi alla sede MSI di Acca Larentia.

Francesco Ciavatta - Roma - 7 gennaio 1978: Ucciso da un commando di 5-6 giovani con colpi di mitraglietta dinanzi alla sede MSI di Acca Larentia.

Stefano Recchioni - Roma - 7 gennaio 1978: Ucciso dopo poche ore Bigonzetti murders - Ciavatta by the Captain of Police Edward Sivori, Acca Larentia before, because of clashes with security forces and the tension caused by the act of an operator RAI for contempt or distraction throws a cigarette butt on the blood Ciavatta still fresh.

Gianquinto Alberto - Rome - January 10, 1979: killed during the riots of the commemoration of Acca Larentia by a bullet that hit him in the head, exploded at close range undercover agent Alex Hope.

Stephen Cecchetti - Rome - January 11, 1979: Giaquinto killed within hours of front of a bar on the right of young people from gun shots fired from a car in the race. The attack is claimed by "company arranges for Communism." Francesco Cecchin - Rome - June 16 1979Atteso from a communist command, the house is attacked and hit hard to the head. The body is then grabbed and thrown into a courtyard of the garage with a flight of 5 meters.

Angelo Mancia - Rome March 12, 1980: killed in home by two killers "in the company arranges Volante Rossa" with two gunshot wounds to the back and a blow to the neck, was an official of "Century of Italy" and secretary of the Talents.

Nanni De Angelis - Roma - October 5, 1980: killed in prison under mysterious circumstances: it was found hanged at once and there was talk of suicide, but things were not so ...

Paolo Di Nella - Roma - February 2, 1983: shot through with a steel bar by a group of persons while in the Trieste area were putting up posters on public parks. He died after 7 days in a coma.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Auto Auction Fredericton

Brief history of the school Prof.

The Professional Institute of Agriculture and the Environment (IPAA) was born in Olbia in the '70s as the site coordinator of the "F. Sisini in Sassari and continues under that name until school year 2000-2001, years during which, following ministerial regulations on the rationalization of the entire school system was established the Institute of Higher Education "Amsicora", based in Olbia, consists of two web sites:
  • The Professional Institute of Agriculture and the Environment;
  • Institute Training for the Industry and Crafts.

IPAA headquarters, despite the undeniable difficulties related to a new administrative organization, has continued in these few years of interaction with the territory, pursued during the long training and professional education, expanding the 'Institute offered training, opening of courses that could create the necessary figures to the many firms in the region. At our office are already stable course of AE Agrotecnica, and the evening course for agrotouristic OPERATOR.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Press Correspondent Card Template


Prof. Soro direction.

Thornton Square Waxing

Some shots

( Diego Fresu photos)

Well Wishes Religious

Third Area course 2008/2009, Fauna - The Pink Flamingo

I the Flamingo belongs to one of the oldest families of birds in the world, dating back more than 50 million years ago. Flamingos were considered relatives with herons, storks and ducks.

( The spread of flamingos in the world )

E ' present in the Galapagos subspecies roseus. The flamingos nest in colonies rather only a number: it was discovered that individuals begin only if the wedding parade in the presence of numerous specimens of the same species.
The choice of whether or not to nest in a given area is not always easy to understand, but often depends on environmental and climatic factors (level water, noise, presence of suitable islands, etc.).. The diet is based on aquatic invertebrates: crustaceans such as brine shrimp, snails, earthworms, larvae and pupae of insects. Seeds and leaves of aquatic plants (Ruppia, Scirpus, Juncus, etc..) Are sometimes ingested along with algae, diatoms, and even bacteria. Occasionally they eat adult insects, crabs
and small fish.
The Flamingos forage in large groups, in the first and last hours of the day and sometimes at night, walking in the shallow water. Most food is obtained by filtering the water with his beak, shape molto specializzata. La lingua, grossa e carnosa, funziona come un pistone per aspirare l'acqua, che viene poi espulsa e filtrata da piccole lamelle poste lungo i margini del becco. I l colore delle penne dei fenicotteri è dovuto alla presenza di particolari sostanze organiche: i carotenoidi. Queste sostanze non vengono prodotte dai fenicotteri, ma sono presenti nelle alghe e nei piccoli crostacei (Artemia salina ed altri) di cui si cibano.
I n cattività, se l'alimentazione non comprende alghe e crostacei, i fenicotteri perdono gradualmente il colore e diventano bianchi. I pigmenti inoltre non sono stabili nel tempo e le penne cadute durante la muta perdono rapidamente il their distinctive pink color. The flamingos are certainly more famous for its beautiful plumage that their voice. In flight, the birds often emit a sound that reminds one of the geese, and low nose. N addition to vocalizations are emitted a low grunt when feeding or some sort of grunt with the function of threat. Even if their voice is not beautiful, however, redeem the flamingos with the beautiful flight take-off occurs after a short run on water.
(Diego Fresu, V ^ A IPAA)

Friday, January 9, 2009

Free Bmd.roots Web.com

Cadastral Appraisal, the cadastral income.

the cadastral income of a fund is its benefit to the land tax.
RD = Bf + Imp.
arriving at the determination of the RD is part of the gross marketable production: Plv
The Plv constitute the budget surplus and consists of:
products of field crops;
products tree crops;
processed products: wine, olive oil, cheese, etc.
gross profit of the stable;
proventi diversi: suini, galline, ortaggi , ecc.
La P.l.v. deve essere valutata in base alla media dei prezzi correnti nel biennio 1988 - 1989: D.M. 20/01/1990.
Il passivo di bilancio viene effettuato con la media dei prezzi correnti nel biennio 1988 - 1989 e comprende le seguenti items:
Quote capital stock (Q / agricultural). For cattle we calculate the share of insurance, maintenance and reinstatement when the comeback is external. The machinery and equipment are evaluated further for the calculation of Units
For products in stock is calculated by the portion of fire insurance. Does not consider the share of hail insurance products in the field because production must be considered average, annual, net of meteor damage. The reinstatement fee on the cost of installation for a multi-year cycle in tree crops peers is calculated using the simple arithmetic average.
Miscellaneous expenditure : Prices are required to report to the company, or the purchase price plus the cost of transport.
S wing . for determining the amount necessary to refer to their collective bargaining agreements. The companies conducted by the owner is determined by comparing the cost of labor for companies with personale dipendente o moltiplicando le ore di lavoro annualmente necessarie per la media delle tariffe orarie sindacali.
Stipendi : la loro incidenza varia dal 2 al 5% del valore della P.l.v. in relazione all'estensione ed all'ordinamento colturale dell'azienda.
Interessi : verranno calcolati al saggio obbligatorio dell' 8%
I 1 : annual interest on the value of half of the capital stock;
I 2 : annual interest on the capital in advance.
In assessing the value of machinery, it will take half of their original value.
Such interest shall be applied:
sul valore delle scorte aziendali si calcolano gli interessi annui al saggio dell'8%;
sul valore del Capitale di Anticipazione si calcolano gli interessi in genere per un tempo variabile dai 3 ai 6 mesi (potendo anche mancare in alcune aziende; p.e. ad indirizzo zootecnico), sempre al saggio dell'8%
Il tutto può sintetizzarsi nella formula:
Plv - (Q / agr + Sv + Sa + St + I) = Rpl
deducting from the gross marketable production all the expenses listed above you get the owner's gross income.
The cadastral income will be obtained by subtracting from the owner's gross income the following expenses:
Quote Capital Land : insurance, maintenance and reinstatement of the value of farm buildings. Recovery efficiency of ditches, canals and roads, hydraulic-agricultural. Reintegration of the installation costs related to tree crops.
General expenses: expenses for the sale of products, collection of rents, the administration costs of conservation land and buildings, as well as those relating to management work (stationery, lighting, postage, telephone, etc.).
expenditure titles are among those which should include the purchase of materials and services outside the company.
are detectable by the accounting records or are assigned by a rate of 2 to 3% of the value of Plv
Everything can be summarized in the formula:
RD = Rpl - (Q / fond + Overheads)
Determination of the cadastral income for quality trees.
For vineyards or orchards and forests seated, the owner's gross income is calculated as follows:
Rpl = (Pr arithmetic sum - Sum arithmetic Sp) / No. years cycle
RD = Rpl - Q / land
woods peers to proceed instead to the calculation of gross income with an average economic master.
Rpl = S (Pr - Sp) * r / (q n -1)
RD = Rpl - Q / land

GMP Prof. Sanna (Agricultural Economics)

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Port Royale 2 Patches

Le api: Classificazione sistematica.

The insects are a immense zoological group that naturalists estimate that more than one million species. The insects have bodies composed of three parts: the head consists of six or seven segments, the thorax consists of three segments, abdomen size of ten segments. They have three pairs of legs two pairs of wings, a single pair of antennae, their development involves a metamorfosi.L 'power is variable and the mouthparts has a wrapper to their regimen alimentare.Le salivary glands are well developed and may have specializations. Excretion is through special organs known as tube Malpighi.Il includes a central nervous system, brain and nerve branches ventrale.Gli sensory organs are very sviluppati.Il circulatory system consists of a heart and a contractile blood vessel, the aorta. The respiratory system consists of air sacs and tracheae that branch at the end. The play has many variations, in general, the sexes are separated, the males have a different appearance from the females. The phenomena are partonogenesi frequenti.Il main role of insetti è l'impollinazione dei fiori, detta entomofila, a differenza dell'impollinazione anemofila dovuta al vento. Gli insetti si classificano in imenotteri, coleotteri, lepidotteri, ditteri.L'ape cosiddetta domestica appartiene all'ordine degli imenotteri. I caratteri essenziali degli imenotteri sono la metamorfosi completa, ali membranose, partonogenesi frequente, dimorfismo sessuale accentuato, cervello ben sviluppato.La famiglia degli Apidae, si suddivide nei generi Melipona, Bombus, Trigona, Apis a cui appartiene l'ape domestica. Al genere Apis appartengono quattro specie l'Apis cerana, l'Apis florea, l'Apis dorsata, e l'Apis mellifica.
L'Ape cerana - o ape indica - è diffusa in gran parte dell'Asia Cina, Giappone, India, gran parte della Siberia, in Afghanistan a ovest arriva in contatto con l'ape mellifica. Le colonie d'api sono poco popolose e non propolizzano, sono oggetto di allevamento.
L'Ape dorsata , ape gigante dell'India, la si trova nel Sud-Est asiatico fino alle Filippine è molto aggressiva e costruisce un solo favo all'aperto, non è un ape propriamente domestica.
L'Ape florea ha la stessa distribuzione dell' ape dorsata è un ape di piccola taglia e costruisce un solo favo.

L'Ape mellifica
- o ape occidentale - pare che si sia sviluppata nella regione dell'Himalaya e derivi dall'ape cerana. L'ape mellifica è la più diffusa the genus Apis, the species population in Europe, Africa, West Asia and after the exploration of new continents has been introduced in the Americas, Australia, New Zealand. Apis mellifica
The species has many races that are distinguished by the morphological characters due to their geographic spread. L 'accurate inventory is to be done. The main breeds are:
mellifica mellifica bee, bee black population in Western Europe and North America, with bee development late spring, but with good capacity to spend the winter with very low temperatures. Bee subspecies Apis mellifica mellifica mellifica Sylvarum are widespread in Scandinavia, apis mellifica lehzei widespread in the Netherlands.
the bee mellifica ligustica Italian bee-o-spread in almost all the Italian territory, from the foothills of the North to Calabria, Sicily is the bee mellifica sicula dark. The bee ligustica differs from other races because the workers are the first segments of the abdomen pale yellow, golden yellow are the queens, with enormous capacity for egg-laying, the colony is active and docile and not brought to swarming. Negative colonies are prone to looting and adrift. The Queens-bred ligustica are exported all over the world, pure strains of bees ligustica are now only on an island in front of Australia.
mellifica bee carnica the distribution area of \u200b\u200bthis race covers Alpi centro orientali, l'Austria, la Slovenia e la parte meridionale dell'ex-URSS. ll colore è scuro e la taglia è più grande della ligustica e della mellifica. Si sviluppa rapidamente in primavera, ma registra una forte propensione alla sciamatura. Sottorazze della carnica sono apis mellifica cecropia diffusa in Grecia, apis mellifica banatica diffusa nell' ex-Iugoslavia el 'apis mellifica acervorum diffusa nell'area del Mar Nero.
l'Ape mellifica caucasica - o ape grigia -, è un'ape operosa ma propolizza molto e costruisce tante celle reali, è diffusa nel Caucauso.
l'Apis mellifica adansonii -o ape africana- è: diffusa nell'Africa centrale, varie sono le sottorazze, apis mellifica monticola lives in the area of \u200b\u200bKilimanjaro, the apis melificalitorea widespread in coastal areas of Lake Tanganyika, apis mellifica nubica widespread in Ethiopia and Eritrea.
Apis mellifica intermissa is widespread in Algeria Morocco, Tunisia, aggressive and prone to swarming bees.
Apis mellifica syriaca, in Turkey, Syria, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon.
Apis mellifica cypria is widespread on the island of Cyprus
lamarckii Apis mellifica - or Egyptian bee, aggressive and prone to swarming, building lots of real cells.
Apis mellifica remipes , resembles ligustica, widespread in Iran and Turkey.
Apis mellifica Tauric spread in Crimea.
Apis mellifica sahariensis widespread in the oases.
Apis mellifica jemenitica , widespread in Yemen and South Arabia
Apis mellifica adami , in honor of Brother Adam, is the island of Crete.
capensis Apis mellifica, widespread in South Africa.
Installing an apiary

to apiaries in excess of 50 hives should respect the rule of law laid down by Article 14 of the rdl 23/10/1925 n.2079 authorizing the prefects to regulate distances between apiaries in the same province. For more than fifty
the hives distances as the crow flies, must be 3 km. In the numerical calculation
two nuclei must be calculated as a beehive.
In the first case of a dispute that has implanted the apiary law has prevailed in comparison to another beekeeper.
Also in case of dispute the prevailing law the landowner where the apiary is located.
These rules apply to beekeeping sedentary, nomadic beekeeping is established for a minimum distance of 2 km, compared to a fixed location with more than 50 alveari.I prefects may provide different distances depending on other factors, climate, flora , bee-keeping rules locale.Oltre prefecture, some regions have established more constraints restrittivi.Altra available regards the right to pursue the swarms on the funds of others, Art. 924 cc section 1. Occupations and the invention .- The owner of swarms of bees has the right to pursue them at the bottom of another, but must compensation for the damage caused to the fund (c.843, 925,1038,1053); if he has not pursued within 2 days or stopped during two days of pursuit, can take them and consider them the owner of the land. "For the distances from roads, highways, railways and other property shall be subject to regional regulations that prescribe minimum distances of 15-20 under metri.Altra law, Penal Code art. 672, regards the possibility of raising contravention to those who "incite or scare the bees in such a way as to endanger the safety of people ", certainly not about prudent beekeeper who has an interest in not disturbing the api.Tutti years must terminate the common ownership of hives and services veterinari.Evitare to place hives near the vineyards, not to have arguments with the winemakers. The bee has no mouth parts that can break the grape, but collects grape juice that comes out after drilling due to other insects. All judgments in this regard have been concluded in favor beekeepers.


The location of an apiary consider several factors to make a business redditizia.La first choice goes to places rich in flora nectar scale and pollen sources nearby, especially for smaller pollen, spring and autumn. The radius of the foraging bee is less than km, but can also at distances of 3-4 km in case of shortage of fonti.L 'environment for migratory apiaries, not to intensive agriculture, monoculture fruit and cerealicole.Prestare attention to the microclimate of the area, avoid wetlands. The atmospheric moisture favors the development of mycosis in famiglie.Scegliere a location away from noise and vibration, causing disruption to families, and power lines, electromagnetic fields nearby depress the vitality of famiglie.La perfect should not be subject to the winds. I cold or hot winds hinder the flight of bees and reduce the availability of nettare.Accertarsi the availability of running water nearby, otherwise prepare for drinkers with frequent replacement of the water. The spring water is used for brood rearing, and summer for the thermal regulation of the hive. In spring, the bees abandon the collection of water when the blooms are at their maximum, for example during the acacias blossom. Beehives placed in the valleys below, so that the flight down is the fact fully carico.Posizionare hives in near deciduous trees. In winter, spring is anticipated testimony of the queen. In summer, the shade makes the thermal regulation of the hive and especially the beekeeper works meglio.Gli trees nearby are useful, because when you settle the swarming sciami.Nel case of lack of trees, to retrieve swarms put stakes into the ground and place the top bands of branches, build pergolas shade the hives with branches or sheets that make the air circulate. The hives must be raised from the ground to avoid moisture in contact with the ground and work comfortably, or back pain become chronic. In the presence of ants prepare secure platform supports up isolated from the soil within pots containing oil. The ants are harmful because they eat the wood of the hives. Lift the hives because individual blocks if built on sleepers long any vibrations induced on spreading to the hive hives contigue.Le hives are also arranged with a slight forward slope to facilitate the release of condensation accumulating in the bottom of the beehive. Avoid arranged in rows, where possible, groups of 5-10 hives, or spacing the rows of 5-6 meters, the hives become stronger for the extremes of the phenomenon comes at the expense of the central ones. To guide the bee hives can be colored with distinct colors, yellow, white, blue, bluish green.

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