Thursday, January 8, 2009

Port Royale 2 Patches

Le api: Classificazione sistematica.

The insects are a immense zoological group that naturalists estimate that more than one million species. The insects have bodies composed of three parts: the head consists of six or seven segments, the thorax consists of three segments, abdomen size of ten segments. They have three pairs of legs two pairs of wings, a single pair of antennae, their development involves a metamorfosi.L 'power is variable and the mouthparts has a wrapper to their regimen alimentare.Le salivary glands are well developed and may have specializations. Excretion is through special organs known as tube Malpighi.Il includes a central nervous system, brain and nerve branches ventrale.Gli sensory organs are very sviluppati.Il circulatory system consists of a heart and a contractile blood vessel, the aorta. The respiratory system consists of air sacs and tracheae that branch at the end. The play has many variations, in general, the sexes are separated, the males have a different appearance from the females. The phenomena are partonogenesi frequenti.Il main role of insetti è l'impollinazione dei fiori, detta entomofila, a differenza dell'impollinazione anemofila dovuta al vento. Gli insetti si classificano in imenotteri, coleotteri, lepidotteri, ditteri.L'ape cosiddetta domestica appartiene all'ordine degli imenotteri. I caratteri essenziali degli imenotteri sono la metamorfosi completa, ali membranose, partonogenesi frequente, dimorfismo sessuale accentuato, cervello ben sviluppato.La famiglia degli Apidae, si suddivide nei generi Melipona, Bombus, Trigona, Apis a cui appartiene l'ape domestica. Al genere Apis appartengono quattro specie l'Apis cerana, l'Apis florea, l'Apis dorsata, e l'Apis mellifica.
L'Ape cerana - o ape indica - è diffusa in gran parte dell'Asia Cina, Giappone, India, gran parte della Siberia, in Afghanistan a ovest arriva in contatto con l'ape mellifica. Le colonie d'api sono poco popolose e non propolizzano, sono oggetto di allevamento.
L'Ape dorsata , ape gigante dell'India, la si trova nel Sud-Est asiatico fino alle Filippine è molto aggressiva e costruisce un solo favo all'aperto, non è un ape propriamente domestica.
L'Ape florea ha la stessa distribuzione dell' ape dorsata è un ape di piccola taglia e costruisce un solo favo.

L'Ape mellifica
- o ape occidentale - pare che si sia sviluppata nella regione dell'Himalaya e derivi dall'ape cerana. L'ape mellifica è la più diffusa the genus Apis, the species population in Europe, Africa, West Asia and after the exploration of new continents has been introduced in the Americas, Australia, New Zealand. Apis mellifica
The species has many races that are distinguished by the morphological characters due to their geographic spread. L 'accurate inventory is to be done. The main breeds are:
mellifica mellifica bee, bee black population in Western Europe and North America, with bee development late spring, but with good capacity to spend the winter with very low temperatures. Bee subspecies Apis mellifica mellifica mellifica Sylvarum are widespread in Scandinavia, apis mellifica lehzei widespread in the Netherlands.
the bee mellifica ligustica Italian bee-o-spread in almost all the Italian territory, from the foothills of the North to Calabria, Sicily is the bee mellifica sicula dark. The bee ligustica differs from other races because the workers are the first segments of the abdomen pale yellow, golden yellow are the queens, with enormous capacity for egg-laying, the colony is active and docile and not brought to swarming. Negative colonies are prone to looting and adrift. The Queens-bred ligustica are exported all over the world, pure strains of bees ligustica are now only on an island in front of Australia.
mellifica bee carnica the distribution area of \u200b\u200bthis race covers Alpi centro orientali, l'Austria, la Slovenia e la parte meridionale dell'ex-URSS. ll colore è scuro e la taglia è più grande della ligustica e della mellifica. Si sviluppa rapidamente in primavera, ma registra una forte propensione alla sciamatura. Sottorazze della carnica sono apis mellifica cecropia diffusa in Grecia, apis mellifica banatica diffusa nell' ex-Iugoslavia el 'apis mellifica acervorum diffusa nell'area del Mar Nero.
l'Ape mellifica caucasica - o ape grigia -, è un'ape operosa ma propolizza molto e costruisce tante celle reali, è diffusa nel Caucauso.
l'Apis mellifica adansonii -o ape africana- è: diffusa nell'Africa centrale, varie sono le sottorazze, apis mellifica monticola lives in the area of \u200b\u200bKilimanjaro, the apis melificalitorea widespread in coastal areas of Lake Tanganyika, apis mellifica nubica widespread in Ethiopia and Eritrea.
Apis mellifica intermissa is widespread in Algeria Morocco, Tunisia, aggressive and prone to swarming bees.
Apis mellifica syriaca, in Turkey, Syria, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon.
Apis mellifica cypria is widespread on the island of Cyprus
lamarckii Apis mellifica - or Egyptian bee, aggressive and prone to swarming, building lots of real cells.
Apis mellifica remipes , resembles ligustica, widespread in Iran and Turkey.
Apis mellifica Tauric spread in Crimea.
Apis mellifica sahariensis widespread in the oases.
Apis mellifica jemenitica , widespread in Yemen and South Arabia
Apis mellifica adami , in honor of Brother Adam, is the island of Crete.
capensis Apis mellifica, widespread in South Africa.
Installing an apiary

to apiaries in excess of 50 hives should respect the rule of law laid down by Article 14 of the rdl 23/10/1925 n.2079 authorizing the prefects to regulate distances between apiaries in the same province. For more than fifty
the hives distances as the crow flies, must be 3 km. In the numerical calculation
two nuclei must be calculated as a beehive.
In the first case of a dispute that has implanted the apiary law has prevailed in comparison to another beekeeper.
Also in case of dispute the prevailing law the landowner where the apiary is located.
These rules apply to beekeeping sedentary, nomadic beekeeping is established for a minimum distance of 2 km, compared to a fixed location with more than 50 alveari.I prefects may provide different distances depending on other factors, climate, flora , bee-keeping rules locale.Oltre prefecture, some regions have established more constraints restrittivi.Altra available regards the right to pursue the swarms on the funds of others, Art. 924 cc section 1. Occupations and the invention .- The owner of swarms of bees has the right to pursue them at the bottom of another, but must compensation for the damage caused to the fund (c.843, 925,1038,1053); if he has not pursued within 2 days or stopped during two days of pursuit, can take them and consider them the owner of the land. "For the distances from roads, highways, railways and other property shall be subject to regional regulations that prescribe minimum distances of 15-20 under metri.Altra law, Penal Code art. 672, regards the possibility of raising contravention to those who "incite or scare the bees in such a way as to endanger the safety of people ", certainly not about prudent beekeeper who has an interest in not disturbing the api.Tutti years must terminate the common ownership of hives and services veterinari.Evitare to place hives near the vineyards, not to have arguments with the winemakers. The bee has no mouth parts that can break the grape, but collects grape juice that comes out after drilling due to other insects. All judgments in this regard have been concluded in favor beekeepers.


The location of an apiary consider several factors to make a business redditizia.La first choice goes to places rich in flora nectar scale and pollen sources nearby, especially for smaller pollen, spring and autumn. The radius of the foraging bee is less than km, but can also at distances of 3-4 km in case of shortage of fonti.L 'environment for migratory apiaries, not to intensive agriculture, monoculture fruit and cerealicole.Prestare attention to the microclimate of the area, avoid wetlands. The atmospheric moisture favors the development of mycosis in famiglie.Scegliere a location away from noise and vibration, causing disruption to families, and power lines, electromagnetic fields nearby depress the vitality of famiglie.La perfect should not be subject to the winds. I cold or hot winds hinder the flight of bees and reduce the availability of nettare.Accertarsi the availability of running water nearby, otherwise prepare for drinkers with frequent replacement of the water. The spring water is used for brood rearing, and summer for the thermal regulation of the hive. In spring, the bees abandon the collection of water when the blooms are at their maximum, for example during the acacias blossom. Beehives placed in the valleys below, so that the flight down is the fact fully carico.Posizionare hives in near deciduous trees. In winter, spring is anticipated testimony of the queen. In summer, the shade makes the thermal regulation of the hive and especially the beekeeper works meglio.Gli trees nearby are useful, because when you settle the swarming sciami.Nel case of lack of trees, to retrieve swarms put stakes into the ground and place the top bands of branches, build pergolas shade the hives with branches or sheets that make the air circulate. The hives must be raised from the ground to avoid moisture in contact with the ground and work comfortably, or back pain become chronic. In the presence of ants prepare secure platform supports up isolated from the soil within pots containing oil. The ants are harmful because they eat the wood of the hives. Lift the hives because individual blocks if built on sleepers long any vibrations induced on spreading to the hive hives contigue.Le hives are also arranged with a slight forward slope to facilitate the release of condensation accumulating in the bottom of the beehive. Avoid arranged in rows, where possible, groups of 5-10 hives, or spacing the rows of 5-6 meters, the hives become stronger for the extremes of the phenomenon comes at the expense of the central ones. To guide the bee hives can be colored with distinct colors, yellow, white, blue, bluish green.


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