Thursday, March 10, 2011

Edward Syndrome More Condition_symptoms

Sono aperte le iscrizioni al
Convegno annuale della
Scuola Lacaniana di Psicoanalisi

Registration Fees:
€ 100.00 within on 03/30/2011
€ 50.00 by 30/03/2011 for students (up to 26 years)
For students of Freud's participation is compulsory and free.

- after 30/03/2011
€ 130.00
€ 70.00 for students (up to 26 years)

ECM: E 'in the course request CME credits for physicians and psychologists. The cost is € 20.00.

Enrolment : Bank transfer to following account:
Lacanian School of Psychoanalysis, Deutsche Bank - 468 of Ag H Milan,
IBAN code: IT76M0310401608000000821332.
Important: specify the reason for the name and surname of those who subscribe to the Conference.
After payment of the transfer please fill out the registration form found in Annex and please send :

Motions for Intervention
The proposals for action in the halls are to be sent simultaneously to m.bolgiani @ entro il 10. 3. 2011.
I testi, che non dovranno superare le 10.000 battute, dovranno essere inviati entro il 15. 4 2011 sempre a e dovranno inerire i tre assi tematici previsti:
  • Eclissi e varianti del desiderio
  • Trasformazioni della domanda
  • Inerzia e mutamenti della soddisfazione

Other activities at the conference
The Committee organization, consisting of Charles Monteleone, Laura Freni and Giovanni Lo Castro proposed a number of cultural events of great artistic value and unparalleled beauty.

  • Friday, June 10 . Acitrezza and Acicastello , to visit the Norman castle and the Faraglioni (The "stones" hurled by Polyphemus against Ulysses). 2 km away from Catania, traveled by bus to city
  • Saturday, June 11 lunchtime , visit to the old kitchens of the monastery of the Benedictines (required reservation)
  • Sunday, June 12 (after I agree) Trip to Syracuse where la sera al Teatro Greco, all’interno del Ciclo di Spettacoli Classici, verrà rappresentata la tragedia di Filottete di Sofocle. (per info ). A Siracusa si potrà anche cenare nell’incantevole isola di Ortiglia.
  • In alternativa alla visione della Tragedia a Siracusa , sempre domenica pomeriggio, escursione sull’Etna (Casa Cantoniera 2000 m., con possibile estensione sino ai 2700 m., in funivia o in fuoristrada) L’escursione presenta un interesse particolare in quanto è prevista, non garantita, un’attività eruttiva. Sarà possibile sia cenare in un ristorante sul posto, oppure rientrare Catania, per godere della bellissima “movida” nel centro storico.
  • Quanti lo wish can also opt for a hike in the beautiful Taormina , reachable by bus or train, or, alternatively, with half organized. (Owing to the number of participants). Again, you can dine on site.
  • For information and reservations events proposed to write to John Lo Castro.
Isabella Ladles
Secretary SLP


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