Tuesday, November 23, 2010

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Monday, November 22, 2010

Pinky Adult Film Star Pic

Open Letter to the President of the Region Ugo Cappellacci

Hon. Dr. Ugo Cappellacci
President Regional
Autonomous Region of Sardinia
Mr President,
I write the name of the Popular Committee to reiterate, once again, that the manner and timing with which it is handled the shameful story of Olbia-Sassari are not worthy of more reasonable expectations that the Sardinians, especially those of northern Sardinia, turn to your attention, in his capacity as President of the regional board and especially for his role as Special Commissioner.
spend weeks and months with continuous half-truths, unfulfilled commitments and appointments, especially his, statements about numbers and times that are rarely to reality.
  • not you have some news about unlocking the resources approved by the CIPE since December 17, 2009, with the likely signature of the Minister Lease ('s total amount of nearly 200 mil.'s or € 162 mil.'s €?). How much you will then have to wait for the final signature of the Minister Tremonti?;
  • There are no records of the agreement is signed with ANAS, although the task of implementing body entrusted by you before the summer;
  • There is no news on chiusura dei conteziosi con gli studi professionali e sulla progettazione avanzata relativa ai vari lotti della strada;
  • Non si hanno notizie certe sulle modalità di reperimento delle ulteriori risorse occorrenti per avviare gli appalti sull'intero tragitto, in attesa dei famigerati fondi FAS (Con mutuo BEI? Con risorse "liberate"? Con altri fondi regionali??);
  • Non si hanno notizie sui tempi di conclusione delle procedure della VIA, fondamentale per permettere l'avvio degli appalti;
  • Non si hanno notizie sull'entità dell'iniziativa avviata dall'ANAS per provvedere immediatamente al ripristino of "minimum human conditions" on the current path, with the coverage of the dangerous holes and with the recovery of road markings.

Yet She has since April 23, 2010 absolutely extraordinary skills, which should allow them not only to speed up every moment of the authorization process, but also to provide for the securing of funds between the resources of its own regional administration ( at least with the same rapidity with which the junta is acting in a few weeks on spending of 400 million in favor of the main towns of the island, which works - for charity - are certainly important, but they are not remotely comparable all'importanza vitale della Olbia-Sassari!).

Considerati i numerosi impegni che ha ripetutamente preso con tutti noi, pretendiamo da Lei risposte certe e fatti concreti, pronti a sostenere la Sua azione nei confronti delle competenze nazionali, qualora fossero ancora reticenti o dilatorie senza motivo.

Chiediamo a tutti i Consiglieri Regionali e Parlamentari eletti nel Nord Sardegna di rispettare nei fatti il mandato che è stato a loro conferito dagli elettori, esercitando la massima pressione nei confronti della Sua amministrazione e nei confronti del Governo, finchè non verrà completato l'ultimo metro della Olbia-Sassari.

Nell'eventualità di una reiterated his withdrawal from political and moral obligation to give concrete answers to the questions raised, we feel free to promote all possible actions of protest, with the forms and methods that we deem most appropriate, if necessary, by denouncing day to day responsibility of the person, although the powers and possibilities, does not exercise its role as a lawful and ethical expect to face a problem as serious and dramatic.

Pending its prompt response, Sincerely

Olbia, November 19, 2010 there

The President of the


Friday, November 5, 2010

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Olbia-Sassari, the state does not pay, you need a mortgage

The state is absent and the region will be forced to take out a loan with the European Investment Bank (EIB) to retrieve the resources with which to build the Sassari-Olbia. James Sanna, Psd'Az: "It is pure folly, is that Rome has to give us the money"
Tiziana Simula
Una protesta sulla Sassari-Olbia
A protest on the Sassari-Olbia
Olbia. The day of truth, as he called the president Regional Committee on Public Works Matteo Sanna (FLI) is one that leaves no room for interpretation: at present there is no money for the four-lane Sassari-Olbia, the State latita, and the region will be forced to take out a loan with the European Investment Bank (EIB) to retrieve the resources to build the road. Impossible, so if ever someone had believed and hoped, break ground later this year.

is the gloomy picture emerged yesterday in the Public Works Committee, the latest chapter in a saga where the confusion has reigned supreme so far in a dance of broken promises, muggings of funds Fas and dates of starting the works move continuously. The Regional Councillor for Public Works Bastianino Sannitu along with transport Angelo Carta were heard by the Fourth Committee which reported to what extent is the process of the four lanes.

"At last the truth has emerged: the funds are there and the only foothold we have in front of the inaction of the government, is to use a silent with the European bank," attacking the president of commissiome Matteo Sanna. That after having heard the two assessors and defended the actions of the junta ('made possible'), said that "we must find the courage to take joint action between government and opposition against the government because it is unacceptable that the region can conclude a loan, must the State to implement the road. "

On four-lane, at the moment, there is only one certainty: the Environmental Impact Assessment by November 30 for all lots. From that moment you can kick off the process for procurement. The project supervisor is Anas, planning is well advanced. Among the mourners emerged notes during the hearing, the paradoxical situation that occurred in March and which had as its protagonist, the Ministry of Environment who sent the package by mistake instead of the Via Sicilia to Sardinia to "making us lose another 60 days" , said Sanna.

What appeals to the Sardinian parliament "that they should ensure the implementation of the road." The chapter funds there is little to say, the work will cost 695 million €. The 200 available (including 162 approved by CIPE), there are still materially. For the rest of the region is considering to commit resources freed Por 2000-2006 and to integrate them with mutual funds pending the Fas Par.

precisely the action the bank has set off the controversy. "Pure insanity a mortgage for 359 million, the consequences might have adverse repercussions on the future spending power in the region. You must give us that Rome money ", attack the leader of the regional council in Psd'Az James Sanna. The inadequacy of the junta was stressed by Vice-President of the Committee Cesare Moriconi (Pd). Dura also the reaction of Pd Regional Council Gavino Manca "the story of Sassari Olbia is an example of the failure of this policy come," he said, announcing tough opposition for raising the money "that must come from the State."

Sannitu In the evening paper and issued a joint statement, a document that has some value given the recent political friction in the joint. "We assert strongly that the Fas Par 359 million we are entitled to make the road, "says the first. While the latter explains that "the attribution of responsibility to the region dates back to April 23, 2010 by order of the President of the Council which is appointed Commissioner Cappellacci.

Since that date we have reached the final stages with the process, creating the conditions to proceed with procurement. " Also for charter "it is necessary that you raise the tone of the claim to the state even threatening to tear up agreements under the program on which Sardinia has placed very heavy resources."

La Nuova Sardegna