Berchidda Mountains and in rebellion against the avalanche of espopri
MONTI. Non sono soli nella mobilitazione, i proprietari di terreni e case che ricadono nel nuovo progetto della quattro corsie Olbia-Sassari proposto per il tratto tra Monti e Berchidda. Neppure i sindaci dei due comuni interessati sono d’accordo sulla realizzazione di un tracciato moving away from the existing one, as provided in the papers arrived in recent weeks in the municipal offices: in the section concerned, the "trunk Lot G 3" is in fact provided a fork in the road with pairs of lanes. What that would entail new expropriations, and has already sent down on a war footing the owners of the areas. "It's a proposal that we accept and for which we are already resisting," explained Mayor Berchidda Bastianino Sannitu and Monte Emanuele Mutzu. Claiming that the new route runs along the existing road. In practice, that has happened during the Environmental Impact Assessment, the Superintendent of environmental assets and landscape has objected to the planned project for the trait for which the company is working on lots of road design work has made changes and has submitted to the two municipalities for comments. But the new design as well infuriate landowners is also rejected by the two municipalities, which are activated in concert in respect of both projects and the Ministry of Environment. "We do not accept this proposal, we do not want others to be made against expropriation of our territory and population," says Bastianino Sannitu. "It is unnecessary to divide the property owners, creating damage and expenses to the State - adds Emanuele Mutzu -: all this can avoided by taking the new route along the existing road. What we ask. "
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