City Council Olbia, in the meeting of Wednesday, October 27, 2010, unanimously adopted the following agenda on the road Olbia-Sassari
Given that:
- Law No regional 5 of 28/12/2009 set up at the Planning Department for a "fund" of € 400,000,000, following the entry into force of the Regional Law No 10/08/2010 14, is distributed as follows: 30,000,000 for 2010 and € 100,000,000 for the years 2011, 2012, 2013 and € 70,000,000 for the year 2014,
- spending pluriennale di € 400.000.000 ha carattere autorizzatorio e può quindi essere oggetto di impegno pluriennale ai sensi dell'art. 6, comma 3, della legge 11/06,
- per espressa disposizione legislativa una quota non inferiore al 20% dello stanziamento per l'anno 2010 è destinata al finanziamento degli oneri di progettazione,
- il fondo previsto dalla L.R. n.5/09 è destinato alla realizzazione di un programma pluriennale di infrastrutture e servizi correlati allo sviluppo delle attività produttive,
- tali fondi possono essere utilizzati come quote di cofinanziamento regionale in a anticipazione dei fondi FAS degli anni 2007/2013,
- The dangers of the road Olbia - Sassari as well as being due to loss of life is also an obstacle to socio-economic development of Gallura and Northern Sardinia,
- artery Olbia - Sassari can be regarded as an infrastructure for excellence "related development and other productive activities "as is required by Article 5 of Regional Law No. 5 / 2009. Given the above and found
City Council Olbia
- urges the RAS is used because, in anticipation of FAS 2007/2013 funds allocated but not yet allocated to the RAS, the multi-year appropriation of 400,000,000 provided for in Article . Regional Law No 5 of 28/12/2009 5 (financial 2010) for the realization of the "new" road artery Olbia - Sassari.
- the President still committed Cappellacci, the Board and the Regional Council to find resources and implement all necessary procedures to ensure that, as soon as possible, the start of the construction and completion deadlines in the completion of the road four-lane Olbia - Sassari.
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