Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Vagaina Waxing Designs

Students dell'IPAA I would like to inform you that day: Sunday 15 from 8.00 to 12.00 and Monday 16th from 8.30 to 13.30 for the election of representatives of school, parents and pupils.
Because our school is of poor students, the vote should be focused on one person. We will give you information about who is who be voted.
The administrator of the blog: Andrea Leonardi

Monday, October 19, 2009

Mount And Blade The Wedding Guest

"Mom and Dad:

are scripts or counterscript? "

intergenerational communication strategy for parents

" If you touch me with sweetness and tenderness
If you look at me and I
If you smile a few times before I talk about plays
I grow up, grow up really. "
(Bradley, 9 years)

Few find it easy to be a" good parent ", others regard it as very difficult, most rocks. For some parents, like children, others find them irritants, others, for various reasons, find it difficult to approach. Others, finally, experience from time to time all these moods.

"The frightening fact about heredity and the environment depend on us is that both parents" (James M.).

Parents set an emotional climate which, like the air, can succeed against the growth of young, hot or cold, mild or harsh, constructive or destructive. They can take care of their children in a firm but tender, thereby encouraging positive strokes through the scripts of construction on the contrary, through the lack of attention or care negative, encouraging non-productive and destructive scripts. In any case, the best thing parents can do is examine your script and decide whether or not worth the trouble to pass it to another generazione.Obiettivo end of this course is to help singles or couples to go back the way they have learned to be parents when they were children. That is, identify the identity of each, acquired during its history.

Each of us learned in childhood a mode of "being" and message today for their children. It 'important to understand what this is really functional or not.

The course takes place in four sessions on a weekly basis,

in groups of up to 8 people,
last for 2 h at

The course is taught by: Dr.
in Counseling and Family Mediation:

Stephanie Cervoni and Ana Maria Kaplan
(Master NLP & Advanced Gestalt) - associated FAIP Italian Federation of Psychotherapy for
Info and registration: Tel 329/2639270

" It 's really something very desirable to be of noble birth, but the glory belongs to our fathers "(Plutarch)

AICI Italian Association of Integrated Counseling

within the Tivoli : Via dei Pini 1 / c - Rome office: Via Roma 70 radio operators