Thursday, August 12, 2010

Blueprint For Playset

"We're going to show in Cagliari"

Olbia. Like the shell game, the funding for the Sassari-Olbia to four lanes do not know where they are. Here or there, Fas funds, building leases, mortgages. An insult to the north of Sardinia. Il Pd si mobilita, il senatore Gian Piero Scanu e il consigliere provinciale Antonio Perinu attaccano: «Basta con le bugie, vogliamo certezze». Quasi una beffa le ultime parole dell’assessore regionale Angelo Carta: «Il leasing non si può fare, è troppo costoso». Proprio l’esponente sardista aveva difeso a spada tratta l’ipotesi, bollato come strumentali le critiche di chi diceva che quel progetto era irrealizzabile. «Una triste commedia - dice ora il senatore Gian Piero Scanu -, in cui si evidenzia solo il cinismo di chi continua a sbandierare promesse». Il parlamentare gallurese se la prende con gli esponenti della giunta regionale. «Cappellacci e i suoi assessori ci hanno preso in giro. Bene farebbero a come here in Gallura to explain how they intend to proceed. Meetings without making coal, but also listening to the representatives of civil society. " "I think - goes Scanu - that the Sardinians, given how things are going, have a right to speak out, to underline how the governor of Sardinia is lying. It 's amazing how one can, with this lightweight, go Fas funds to lease, and then to mutual funds and even Fas, without giving certainty to the community. Not only is losing the train of the fast track at the time guaranteed by the G8, but also hope that the work is actually done. " The proposal is decided Scanu. "We need certainty by August - he says -, let us know President and Alderman Cappellacci card if there are real solutions. After this term I think it's fair to say that we had postponed the protest rally in Cagliari, and we're definitely going in the building of the region to protest strongly. " Perinu Antonio, former mayor of Oschiri and now leader of the Democratic Party in the provincial council is ironic. 'It went as expected. Have been told other lies, and while the road remains two lanes, dangerous for all those who have to travel. " Perinu also calls into question the institutions' territory. "I say that I expect a strong statement by the President of the Province and the Mayor of Olbia Sanciu Giovannelli, who had made guarantors on the success transaction. " Perinu announces the next move of his own party. "We will ask the meeting at very short notice of a special county council. There is dignity in a whole game. "


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