Monday, August 30, 2010
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Saturday, August 28, 2010
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region 'East Macedonia
Thrace, Evros Prefecture, Evros
Hall, Alexandropol Samothrace
Athens City Hall
Palaiopolis Museum, Samothrace
Cultural Union of the Associations of Evros
(Ε.ΠΟ.Φ.Ε.) - Plateia Polytechniou
Alexandroupolis, PC 68100 - Greece
General Organization: Katerina Kaltsou (secretary EPOFE)
project conceived by: Polyxena Kasdano
Editors: Pierre Chirouze, Polyxena Kasdano, Dores Sacquegna
traveling exhibition in Greece: Alexandropolis, Island of Samothrace, the Athens, Russia, China
18 May to 27 September 2010
The Union of Cultural Associations of Evros is cultural institution and a non-profit cultural organizations representing 110 active area of \u200b\u200bEastern Macedonia and Thrace which lies on the border between Turkey and Bulgaria. In the context of the Biodiversity, the UN said in 2010, EPOFE has scheduled a series of cultural events in the prefecture of Evros, including in the field of cultural activities, the sacred island of Samothrace, as a focal point of many cultures, philosophies and religions.
This year's theme is "The ΠΑΙ eon is a child playing / Eternity is a child at play" and sees participating in this major traveling exhibition, artists from around the world whose mission is to evoke the archetypal child in a spiritual and intellectual. The works of artists in the exhibition will become part of the permanent collection of the Art Gallery of E.PO.FE to Samothrace and Alexandroupolis.
The exhibition starts from the Museum of Natural Sciences of Alexandropolis (May 18), goes to the island of Samothrace at the Art Gallery of the City (August 22) and, finally, will be held in Athens (September 1) at the Technopolis of the Municipality of Athens, where it will be included in the Athens Art 2010 exhibition curated by Takis Alexiou and CA4S under the patronage of the Ministry of Culture in Greece. The exhibition will continue in 2011 in Russia and in China in 2012.
Painting, installation, photography and mixed media, video art, are the subjects dealt with by artists in the exhibition, selected by three international curators: Sacquegna Dores, First Floor LivinGallery of Lecce, Italy, Polyxena Kasdano (Greece) artist, curator and scholar of myth, Chirouze Pierre, director of the Cultural K-Droz, Paris, France. During the opening
Samothrace in a group of Greek children, from two to seven years, will realize a collective installation dedicated to the return of the storks, index of fertility and ecosystem health. An exhibition of works by: Achilleas Papantoniou, Odysseas Papantoniou; Joziana Papad, Jason Angelou, Dora Riga, Antonis Panayotis Lampeas Ayshe and Mira-Yashin.
In contemporary events and exhibitions dedicated to the theme PAI Patmos Island (ed. M. Pesmazoglou) e a Thebes ( a cura di Constantin Angelou).
ARTISTI INVITATI: Eozen Agopian (Grecia); Takis Alexiou (Grecia); Hakan Akcura (Stoccolma); Giovanni Alfonsetti (Italia); Constantin Angelou (Grecia); Mirek Antoniewicz (Polonia), Caterina Arcuri (Italia); Marea Atkinson (Australia); Aleph Boys (Puerto Rico), Dimitra Bourouliti (Grecia); Esther Burger (Olanda); Mandra Cerrone (italia);
Marina Comandini Pazienza (Italia); Daria Cornea (Romania); Giselle Diaz Campagna (Puerto Rico); Filli Cusenza(italia); Silvia De Gennaro (italia); Dellavilla (Francia); Danilo De Mitri (Italia); Giulio De Mitri (italia); Irene Domingez (Francia); Alexis Duque (Colombia); Mahnaz Dustikhah (France); Ferroglio Piero (Italy), Fosca (Italy), Marie-Pierre Legrand (France), Cynthia Fresia (Italy); Kasdano Polyxena (Greece), Hilda Kelekian (Lebanon), Lena Kelekian (Lebanon), Hagop Sulahian (Lebanon), Angelika Korovessi (Greece); Barbara Lichtman (USA), Maria Luisa Imperial (Italy), Elisa Laraia (Italy), Margherita Levo Rosenberg (Italy), Pam Longobardi (U.S.), Dario Manco (Italy), Andrea Mattiello (Italy), JB Michaux (France); Miron Milio (Croatia), Katerina Moura (Greece); Negroni Juan (Puerto Rico), Antonis Papantoniou / Viva Vim (Greece); Pesmazoglou Maria (Greece) ; Samiento Kevin Navarro (Colombia); Thurs Sciello (Italy), Angela Spoerl (Germany); Strouzakis Dimitris (Greece); Hagop Sulahian (Lebanon), Georges Syrakis (Greece), Vera Tatar (Czech Republic); Udaiyan Dev (India), Masaki Yada (UK), Eva Vereeva (Latvia); Virginia Videos (Romania); Marilena Vita (Italy); xene (Greece), Marjolein Wortmann (Germany), Gheorghe Zaharia (Romania).
ΠΑΙ The eon is a child playing - text Dores Sacquegna
Eternity is represented by the child with the circle of the zodiac (or snake) wrapped around the body. Heraclitus, the greek philosopher wrote about it: "Aion is a child who plays with the pieces of a chessboard: a child is the kingdom of the world. "PAI
The Greek word literally means" child. "This word is written on a number of sacred texts in the Museum of Samothrace. And here, where once all was born centuries ago, at present, this unique exhibition that brings together the artistic works of contemporary artists and intellectuals.
Eternity, creation, spirituality, archetype, game, travel, memory, works in the exhibition.
On the birth, the research focuses Catherine and Andrea Mattiello Arcuri. The first, made a series of fetuses in an installation composed of 16 canvases, while the second, with the photograph, shows the placenta, the organ and member of an exchange between the mother and the fetus.
Sull '"archetype of the Child", the paintings of Gio Sciello, the bronze sculpture "Girl-Goddess" by John Alfonsetti and "The Warrior" in the sculpture of George Polymaterials Carluccio.
"Matrix Natura", the child that is born from the lotus flower, hand-woven by Phyllis Cusenza. On Spiritual
angel-child, the photographs of Dario Manco and Giulio De Mitri. The first focuses on white, the light that radiates and amplifies everything. The second, is projected on the trip .. in a sort of "postcards from the world" in which the angel-child, reply to letters received, immersing them in water representing the sea, a vehicle of knowledge and memory. The dream trip
size, the video "Zefiro" Elisa Laraia, where white space, Zephyr, symbolic of life along the road. In a dreamlike dimension, comes the need to move forward on this, the objects of the contemporary technological change into media creation, the child is the beginning and end. In the work
photo "Marta" by Cynthia Fresia, the artist represents the wonder of children.
Sull 'hybridization between real and virtual, the photographic works of Daniel De Mitri, who represents the youth mythography contemporary boys in self-identification with the roles of the heroes of the comic or science fiction. "Puer Aeternus" is the state of chrysalis prophesied by Jung. The cocoon from which the life of the butterfly. Fosca, interprets the concept with a child who is in our hands the light. State of grace that emerge from the darkness. With "Box of Broken Dreams" is the title of photographic installation Silvia De Gennaro like a game of mirrors opens to optical memories and fantasies of the boys who lost their chance to play or to live that dream or that reality. A work that is sad, but think about multiple levels of society.
"The child in you" in the work fotografica in doppia riflessione di Mandra Cerrone e Marilena Vita con “The Kingdom’s mine”.
“Facendo le capriole” è il titolo dell’installazione di Margherita Levo Rosenberg, che è ispirato al gioco che tutti i bambini conoscono e a cui piace osservare il mondo capovolto. Attratta dalla trasparenza del vetro, del silicone e dalle pellicole radiografiche, l’artista crea delle spettacolari installazioni che investigano la complessità delle lingue e che analizzano la relazione fra pensiero, verbo, azione ed emozione.
Nella scultura polimaterica “Give me food for my brain”, di Maria Luisa Imperiali, troviamo un corpo in mutazione continua, capace di scappare al cannibalismo view that characterizes contemporary society. On the nostalgia and memories of lost things, the paintings of Masaki Yada.
On the relationship between man and nature, material artifacts of mass culture and the toxic plastic that travels the seas, the installation dedicated to the "Nike of Samothrace" Pam Longobardi. The "Child of Samothrace" from the corner of Marina Comandini illustration, the wife of the unforgettable Andrea Pazienza.
Sull 'the infinite work of Antonis Papantoniou / VimViva, the interpretation of PAI Udaiyan Dev's work on the relationship between man and nature the work of Barbara Lichtman. The child of the future Antoniewicz with Mirek, on balance, the sculpture by Angelika Korovessi, the relationship between nature, ecosystem and globalization, and the totem sculpture Polymaterials "Doodling" Kasdano of Polyxena.
on life on earth installation painting of Piero's work and the universe Ferroglio Marea Atkinson.
The theme of the ecosystem is amplified by the presence of video artists Hakan Akcura, Giselle Diaz Country, Boys Aleph, the interesting work of Constantin Angelou, more sublimated designs Eozen Agopian, Marie-Pierre Legrand, Mahnaz Dustikhah, Vera Tatar, Dellavilla. Highly symbolic totem of Gheorghe Zaharia. Stork on the works of Virginia Video, and Games of the guys works Dimitra Bourouliti, Miron Milio. Poetic and evocative work of Esther Burger, more spiritual work of Marjolein Wortmann, enigmatic work of Georges Syrakis.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Hydrochloride Creatine
Il programma prevede un'alternanza tra il balletto classico più spettacolare proposto dai ballerini della scuola russa di San Pietroburgo ( il passo a due del Don Quichotte con la coreografia di Marius Petipa, concentrato di abilità tecniche e virtuosismi), il neoclassico del Balletto di Stoccarda e la danza contemporanea e moderna dell'aterballetto. L'etoile Giuseppe Picone, interprete di perfetta tecnica and imposing stage presence, will perform Schubert's Ave Maria and "Lacrimosa" from Mozart's Requiem, a piece with which he represented Italy in the International Gala in New York in honor of former director Vladimir Vasiliev of the Bolshoi. The show takes place in Piazza San Pantaleo, prepared for the occasion as an outdoor theater with a capacity of 600 seated spectators. The audience graded terraces (available at the event) and a maxis Chermiti side will help to provide better visibility for all sp ettat gold. Ticket prices are more affordable than last year: four areas from 36,00 to 14,00 euro, with presales in San Pantaleo Olbia. Faithful to social l'Associazione Culturale San Pantaleo e il direttore artistico Claudio Rocco quest'anno, oltre a riconfermare il legame della manifestazione con la lotta agli incendi e il rispetto dell'ambiente, hanno attivato un'interessante iniziativa di sensibilizzazione con il Comitato della strada Sassari-Olbia. Un nuovo ed efficace logo, creato dal grafico Gianfranco Marras, darà ulteriore visibilità e risonanza alla campagna per la realizzazione della quattro corsie proprio in occasione della Grande Danza a San Pantaleo.
Sarà stampato sugli adesivi che verranno distribuiti quella sera oltre a figurare nelle centinaia di depliant e manifesti che promuovono l'evento. Alla conferenza stampa di presentazione hanno partecipato il sindaco di Olbia Gianni Giovannelli, l'assessore comunale al Turismo Giampiero Palitta e l'assessore provinciale Giovanni Pileri che hanno ribadito il sostegno all'evento, entrato a pieno titolo nel calendario delle manifestazioni di punta dell'estate olbiese. Presenti anche Paola Brindano dell'Associazione Culturale San Pantaleo, Diego Fresu e Italo Fara del Comitato della strada Sassari-Olbia.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Blueprint For Playset
Olbia. Like the shell game, the funding for the Sassari-Olbia to four lanes do not know where they are. Here or there, Fas funds, building leases, mortgages. An insult to the north of Sardinia. Il Pd si mobilita, il senatore Gian Piero Scanu e il consigliere provinciale Antonio Perinu attaccano: «Basta con le bugie, vogliamo certezze». Quasi una beffa le ultime parole dell’assessore regionale Angelo Carta: «Il leasing non si può fare, è troppo costoso». Proprio l’esponente sardista aveva difeso a spada tratta l’ipotesi, bollato come strumentali le critiche di chi diceva che quel progetto era irrealizzabile. «Una triste commedia - dice ora il senatore Gian Piero Scanu -, in cui si evidenzia solo il cinismo di chi continua a sbandierare promesse». Il parlamentare gallurese se la prende con gli esponenti della giunta regionale. «Cappellacci e i suoi assessori ci hanno preso in giro. Bene farebbero a come here in Gallura to explain how they intend to proceed. Meetings without making coal, but also listening to the representatives of civil society. " "I think - goes Scanu - that the Sardinians, given how things are going, have a right to speak out, to underline how the governor of Sardinia is lying. It 's amazing how one can, with this lightweight, go Fas funds to lease, and then to mutual funds and even Fas, without giving certainty to the community. Not only is losing the train of the fast track at the time guaranteed by the G8, but also hope that the work is actually done. " The proposal is decided Scanu. "We need certainty by August - he says -, let us know President and Alderman Cappellacci card if there are real solutions. After this term I think it's fair to say that we had postponed the protest rally in Cagliari, and we're definitely going in the building of the region to protest strongly. " Perinu Antonio, former mayor of Oschiri and now leader of the Democratic Party in the provincial council is ironic. 'It went as expected. Have been told other lies, and while the road remains two lanes, dangerous for all those who have to travel. " Perinu also calls into question the institutions' territory. "I say that I expect a strong statement by the President of the Province and the Mayor of Olbia Sanciu Giovannelli, who had made guarantors on the success transaction. " Perinu announces the next move of his own party. "We will ask the meeting at very short notice of a special county council. There is dignity in a whole game. "
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
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Here's the new logo Committee, wishes to thank Brendan and Gianfranco Paolo Marras.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Benefits Of Floor Wipers
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Making An Aluminum Boat Floor

Nelle mani della Regione solo 162 milioni di euro certi. 360 dovrebbero arrivare dai fondi Fas. In alternativa si pensa a un mutuo. L'incontro tra l'assessore ai Lavori pubblici Angelo Carta e il comitato per la Sassari-Olbia serve per certificare il caos intorno al futuro della 4 corsie. Di leasing non si parla più. Un mese prima le parti si erano salutate con la certezza Anas and that region would have signed the protocol to give the green light to the lease.
hour change still on the table cards. First, those lacking the ninth batch. The mission structure has not transferred to the Region. "We have been told - Rita said the chairman of the Father - that we must first resolve the dispute by € 7 million between the parties. This worries us greatly. " But the torment does not end here. The region has asked the Ministry, rather than at CIPE, the release of funds Fas. Not a technicality, but most accept the view of the accelerated procedure to build the road. But there is another aspect that is denounced by the Committee. "resources missing - Shows the document -, the 360 \u200b\u200bmillion euro fund Fas, to unlock with the CIPE decision, the President of the Region has requested a formal confirmation of the contents of the order of April the Ministry of Economic Development and that of Finance. The ministry has requested an authentic interpretation to the General Accounting Office. The Accounting Office says that 360 million will be given only after completing the final design of all nine lots of the road. The resources may be transferred only if cantierabili immediately. "
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
"What Sardinia to those who live there do not give anything except in the summer as the resort is known all too well, but despite this there was faith, faith that the" path of death "- so dubbed for its danger - was finally rebuilt.
Given the developments, no one can deny that this was only an illusion.
us , when referring to the Italian political class, was a plural nous.
The (small) fraction of 17 billion and 800 million allocated in whole by CIPE - Inter-ministerial Committee for Economic Planning - designed for Sardinian was actually conveyed in the single project, namely the urban and metropolitan Cagliari. The rest of the cake it ate mostly north of the peninsula, primarily in order to achieve the so-called Brebemi, the road between Brescia, Bergamo and Milan, is located in an area full of business and votes for the tank of the PDL and in particular the League. And the Sassari-Olbia? La Gallura and in general the northern part of Sardinia is definitely not thriving as the Bergamo area - either in the electoral point of view nor from an economic standpoint - but perhaps this takes away value to their deaths? So much so in fact the blood shed on quell'asfalto cursed. In March 2010 the Council of Ministers has accepted the request of Hugh Cappellacci to declare a state of emergency in the provinces of Sassari and Olbia-Tempio in relation to the work of rebuilding and securing the highway. The governor spoke about the availability of € 160 million to start construction, with another 470 to him on the home straight. What speeches encouraging, but the facts? Here they are: meeting two months later, the CIPE has again left the cash-strapped Sardinia. Back to square one.
Meanwhile, the VIPs - politicians included - flock to the Costa Smeralda, the gossip magazines portray them smiling with curly hair of salt in the sun in some private beach postcard or on the deck of a super-luxury yacht. Well, as a holiday in Sardinia, like it a lot, so do not bother to do anything to help? Why not deign to help stem the river of waste and the hub body that runs a few steps from their unperturbed oasis summer?
Robert Bendinelli.
Monday, August 2, 2010
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In conjunction of the festivities in honor of St. Joseph, to be held from the 2nd week of August, the Brotherhood of St. Joseph established in Pace del Mela, Piazza S. Maria della Visitation organized a theatrical review. In particular, the presentation scheduled for Saturday, August 7, 2010 is offered by the theater company "out loud" Peace of Apple, which expressed the pleasure of having disabled children as guests represented by 'association TU.DIR.DAI. In view of the event, the Brotherhood of St. Joseph invite the association TU.DIR.DAI at 21.30 on 07 August in the Piazza Santa Maria Visitation to participate in the representation .. Some of your most valuable presence, and we thank Yours Greeting
President Nicolas Marchetta