Saturday, July 10, 2010

Depression Anxiety More Condition_symptoms

Association for protection of personal rights

Assoc. Privacy Rights Handicapped and Disabled - Via. F. Amendolia 2 / A 98042 .- Pace del Mela (Me) Ph. 090 933 520 E-Mail: @ msm.ang
E-mail associazione.tudirdai @
blog http://associazionetudirdaipacedelmela .

Meet with a smile and a voltacominciato to love, it becomes natural to do something for others. Pace del Mela

The association was founded for - to give voice to the voiceless, to protect the rights of persons of extraordinary weakness is a condition aggravated by the natural difficulties of children and call for a correct application of these rules into national law, it is proposed to counteract inertia or opportunity are sometimes found in this area and rarely become public interest. The association intends to negligence against the social and racial discrimination, whether institutional neglect and abuse perpetrated against minors that mean that, in many cases, the Italian law - based on the protection - of the "best interests of the child" does not are correct e sistematica applicazione: si propone di tutelare e di promuovere i diritti e le opportunità delle che si trovano in situazioni di disagio o difficoltà, con particolare riguardo a coloro che, incontrano di fatto molti maggiori ostacoli alla tutela dei propri interessi fondamentali.
L’Associazione si avvale di molteplici competenze professionali: in primo luogo di carattere giuridico, sociologico e pedagogico.
L’Associazione si propone di fornire una serie di servizi che garantiscano la massima professionalità e la assoluta gratuità per le persone che ne fruiscono.
In particolare l’associazione si propone:
di sostenere e incoraggiare l’informazione, la documentazione e lo studio dei problemi di legal and social, connected with the protection of the weakest sectors with particular attention to the plight of young and old, to highlight and oppose the application found deviations in the administration of justice or other activities performed in this field for public and private ; to promote greater knowledge and a more integrated use of the services already on the territory offered by various public and private agencies appointed to protect minors. Developing partnerships with individuals, agencies, associations with similar objectives, to pay particular attention to programs of social inclusion under the Decree. 286/98; promote awareness through studies, meetings, publishing initiatives, publications, as well as by more general information on the work activities of all public and private actors that are involved in various capacities in the field considered here; of preparing counseling services to public and private services and promotion support directly addressed to children who live in situations of hardship or difficulty; contribute to the training and retraining of public and private institutions operating in the sector; to monitor the socio-political phenomena and to develop, jointly with other associations, services aimed at improvement of living conditions of handicapped persons, a more correct implementation of legislation and on a more substantial protection of the right of defense of the people involved.


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