The Centre for Voluntary Service of Messina supports and contributes to the growth of the culture of qualified voluntary, conscious and competent. Upholds the values \u200b\u200bof solidarity and social justice, assisting and directing voluntary associations with concrete actions and tools. It offers support to voluntary associations through logistic services, consulting, training, documentation and promotion. The local coordinator of the Community (CLC) sono luoghi di partecipazione dal basso alla governance del CESV e strumenti di promozione dello sviluppo dei territori. Promuovono la partecipazione del volontariato organizzato alla vita del CESV e favoriscono forme di raccordo e di collaborazione tra le organizzazioni del terzo settore nel territorio. Cogestiscono in collaborazione al CESV Messina le sedi territoriali presenti nella provincia di Messina.I Coordinamenti Locali di Comunità hanno il compito di:• valutare bisogni sociali• esprimere scelte strategiche• definire obiettivi a medio e lungo termine.Possono far parte dei coordinamenti locali tutte le organizzazioni di volontariato e tutti gli organismi del terzo settore.
Associazioni aderenti
Promotion of Artistic and Historic-Cultural Environment - Sporting Activity dilettantisticaSede: Piazza del Popolo, Roccavaldina tel. 090/9977152 Legal representative and contact person: Grace Paino 347.9103322 antaresonlus@gmail.com http://www.antaresonlus.org/
Associazioni aderenti
Promotion of Artistic and Historic-Cultural Environment - Sporting Activity dilettantisticaSede: Piazza del Popolo, Roccavaldina tel. 090/9977152 Legal representative and contact person: Grace Paino 347.9103322 antaresonlus@gmail.com http://www.antaresonlus.org/
TOGETHER ONLUS 2008 (Pace del Mela):
Social Solidarity for families people with discomfort at Via Pace, Giammoro, 98042 Pace del Mela Tel. 090/9385495 Legal representative and contact person: Santina Pandolfo 333.9504253 info@associazioneinsieme.info
Social Solidarity for families people with discomfort at Via Pace, Giammoro, 98042 Pace del Mela Tel. 090/9385495 Legal representative and contact person: Santina Pandolfo 333.9504253 info@associazioneinsieme.info
Panther (Rometta )
Association of Civil Defence
at Via Nazionale 228, 98040 Rometta tel. fax 090/9962494
Legal representative and contact person: Leonardo Cavallaro 329.9632120 l.cavallaro @ email.it r.damuri @ virgilio.it
Association of Civil Defence
at street Colosi n. 28, 98057 Milazzo Legal representative and contact person: Pier Francesco Filoramo 348.3223034 Contact: John Puglia 349.8690913 info@protezionecivilemilazzo.it
Voluntary Association and Civil Protection
at Via Cruise 141, 98040 Torregrotta. Tel 090/9911146 fax 090/9910605
Legal representative and contact person: Emily Brisco 328.9233303
GIVA (Rometta):
Association of Civil Defence
at Via Nazionale 328 sc.H int .1, 98043 Rometta tel.090/8966284 fax 090/9961804 347.6661998 Legal representative and contact person: Anthony Oliva Contact: Alessandro Previti presidenza@associazionegiva.eu
Association of Civil Defence
at Via Nazionale 228, 98040 Rometta tel. fax 090/9962494
Legal representative and contact person: Leonardo Cavallaro 329.9632120 l.cavallaro @ email.it r.damuri @ virgilio.it
Association of Civil Defence
at street Colosi n. 28, 98057 Milazzo Legal representative and contact person: Pier Francesco Filoramo 348.3223034 Contact: John Puglia 349.8690913 info@protezionecivilemilazzo.it
Voluntary Association and Civil Protection
at Via Cruise 141, 98040 Torregrotta. Tel 090/9911146 fax 090/9910605
Legal representative and contact person: Emily Brisco 328.9233303
GIVA (Rometta):
Association of Civil Defence
at Via Nazionale 328 sc.H int .1, 98043 Rometta tel.090/8966284 fax 090/9961804 347.6661998 Legal representative and contact person: Anthony Oliva Contact: Alessandro Previti presidenza@associazionegiva.eu
Association for the collection and donation of blood
at Via S. Martin (Old Station) tel 98 048 Spadafora. fax 090/9928603
Legal rappresentante:Arturo Remigare 328.4775164 fratres.spadafora@libero.it
Referente: Anastasi Salvatore 348.2464282 sg.anastasi@tiscali.it
AVULSS (TORREGROTTA ): odv iscr. reg. Volontariato e Servizi Socio- Sanitari – Sostegno minori e Famiglie Sede: via XXI Ottobre n. 2 ex stazione Ferroviaria Torregrotta
Legale rappresentante e referente: Maria Polito 348.3642321 maria.polito@hotmail.it
Association for the collection and donation of blood
at Via S. Martin (Old Station) tel 98 048 Spadafora. fax 090/9928603
Legal rappresentante:Arturo Remigare 328.4775164 fratres.spadafora@libero.it
Referente: Anastasi Salvatore 348.2464282 sg.anastasi@tiscali.it
AVULSS (TORREGROTTA ): odv iscr. reg. Volontariato e Servizi Socio- Sanitari – Sostegno minori e Famiglie Sede: via XXI Ottobre n. 2 ex stazione Ferroviaria Torregrotta
Legale rappresentante e referente: Maria Polito 348.3642321 maria.polito@hotmail.it
AVULSS (MILAZZO): odv iscr. reg.Volontariato e Servizi Socio-sanitari (Assistenza malati ospedalizzati- Sostegno e accompagnamento a persone in a state of illness, need, need)
at Piazza Sacro Cuore 11, 98057 Milazzo Legal representative and contact person: Easter Nuccia Formica 339.4830950 nucciaformica@tiscali.it
at Piazza Sacro Cuore 11, 98057 Milazzo Legal representative and contact person: Easter Nuccia Formica 339.4830950 nucciaformica@tiscali.it
AVULSS (Valdina ): SB ISCR . reg.
Volunteering and Service Delivery (Service-support hospitalized patients and accompanying persons in a state of illness, need, need) at Via del Mare No 3, 98040 Valdina Legal representative: Simon Romano 320.0603520 simonaromano1@inwind.it Contact: Milena Paone
ALZHEIMER'S ASSOCIATION (MILAZZO ): SB ISCR. Reg Support to Alzheimer's sufferers and their families, awareness and information on Alzheimer's disease at Via S. Pauline 3 (Former Middle School Zirilli) Milazzo 98057 tel fax. 090/9287027 Legal representative and contact person: Paolo Cavallaro 339.6663327 alzheimer.milazzo @ alice.it e-mail alzheimermilazzo@gmail.com h ttp: / / alzheimermilazzo.blogspot.com
Volunteering and Service Delivery (Service-support hospitalized patients and accompanying persons in a state of illness, need, need) at Via del Mare No 3, 98040 Valdina Legal representative: Simon Romano 320.0603520 simonaromano1@inwind.it Contact: Milena Paone
ALZHEIMER'S ASSOCIATION (MILAZZO ): SB ISCR. Reg Support to Alzheimer's sufferers and their families, awareness and information on Alzheimer's disease at Via S. Pauline 3 (Former Middle School Zirilli) Milazzo 98057 tel fax. 090/9287027 Legal representative and contact person: Paolo Cavallaro 339.6663327 alzheimer.milazzo @ alice.it e-mail alzheimermilazzo@gmail.com h ttp: / / alzheimermilazzo.blogspot.com
awareness for bone marrow donation and support donor
at Villa del Sole via Channel, 98057 Milazzo Legal representative and contact person: Chiara Stella Vetromile 328.7268447 chiara.vetromile @ gmail.com admosicilia@libero.it
awareness for bone marrow donation and support donor
at Villa del Sole via Channel, 98057 Milazzo Legal representative and contact person: Chiara Stella Vetromile 328.7268447 chiara.vetromile @ gmail.com admosicilia@libero.it
CSI (Torregrotta ):
entertainment-sports promotion and socialeSede: Viale Europa 169, 98040 Torregrotta Legal representative: Nicola di Paola 347.6155779 csi.milazzo @ tiscali.it
Promotion Association Socio Cultural and Educational Office: Via Umberto I, 77 98046 - S. Lucia del Mela Legal representative: Antonio Franco Famà 348.8621443 349.6090116 info@artefranko.it
ORATORY Don Peppino CUTROPIA (MILAZZO ): Promoting Social Action
educational, pastoral and educational ecclesial community, children and families facing entertainment area at Central Square Sacred Heart Milazzo 98057 tel 090/9283339
Legal representative: Antonio Trimboli 339.3003405 antoniotrimboli@alice.it
Solidarity social-support disabled and families-at Via Madonna del Boschetto ( ex Sc.Elementare Park) and Milazzo Legal representative person: Daniela Rullo
entertainment-sports promotion and socialeSede: Viale Europa 169, 98040 Torregrotta Legal representative: Nicola di Paola 347.6155779 csi.milazzo @ tiscali.it
Promotion Association Socio Cultural and Educational Office: Via Umberto I, 77 98046 - S. Lucia del Mela Legal representative: Antonio Franco Famà 348.8621443 349.6090116 info@artefranko.it
ORATORY Don Peppino CUTROPIA (MILAZZO ): Promoting Social Action
educational, pastoral and educational ecclesial community, children and families facing entertainment area at Central Square Sacred Heart Milazzo 98057 tel 090/9283339
Legal representative: Antonio Trimboli 339.3003405 antoniotrimboli@alice.it
Solidarity social-support disabled and families-at Via Madonna del Boschetto ( ex Sc.Elementare Park) and Milazzo Legal representative person: Daniela Rullo
340.5467467 daniela.rullo @ yahoo.it lafeniceonlus@hotmail.it Contact: Roberta Sewn 347.6009422 blog http://lafeniceonlus.blogspot.com/
CENTOPASSI ARCI (Torregrotta ) Promotion of Social Solidarity Social socio-cultural education at Via XXI Ottobre 419, 98040 Torregrotta Legale rappresentante e referente: Santo Gringeri 347.7531443 gringeris@virgilio.it arci.centopassi@gmail.com
ONLUS SORDI VALLE DEL MELA (S. FILIPPO DEL MELA ): Odv iscr. Reg Solidarietà sociale- Socio-culturale educativa -Sostegno audiolesi e famiglie Sede:Piazza Duomo 17, 98042 S.Filippo del Mela 090/930592Legale rappresentante e referente: Cuzzupè Francesco francy_i@hotmail.it Referente : Santi Cuzzupè
Lotta all’inquinamento- Tutela territorio- Difesa dell’Ambiente
Sede: via Risorgimento 120, 98057 Milazzo
Legale Representative: Giuseppe Maimone 347.3332444 info@adasc.it
Information on Down syndrome and family-support disabled
at Via Risorgimento n.69 98057 Milazzo 090/9284448
Legal representative and contact person: Vittorio Cannata 335/8376635 vittorio.cannata @ alice.it aipdmilazzo@virgilio.it ;
MARDUK (Rometta ):
Promotion and protection of cultural heritage and artistic
at Via S. Cone 34, 98043 RomettaLegale Representative and Contact: Joseph Pinizzotto 3473427536 assomarduk@infinito.it
Association for the collection and donation of blood
Via Risorgimento n.26 98057 Milazzo CP-138 tel fax 090/9288406
Legal representative and contact person: Paul Miroddi 339.1864241 avisco26@avismilazzo.191.it
THE LILY ( MILAZZO ): Social Promotion Policies
and educational support to children at risk
C.da Barony Capo Milazzo Tel 090/9218633
Legal representative: Angela Ollà - ref. Alfredo D'ASDI 328/3347840
AIC Italian Celiac Association (VILLAFRANCA TIRRENA): SB ISCR. reg.
information and awareness about celiac disease
See Voicemail. Regional: Via Quasimodo 32, Villafranca Tel. fax 090/336947
Legal representative: Fabio Leone presidente@aicsiciliaonlus.it
BROTHERHOOD OF MERCY SPADAFORA : SB iscr.reg. Health Care Services and Medical Transport-Civil Defence-Day
Via S. Martino (old station) Tel 98048 Fax Spadafora. 090/9928603
Leg.rapp.: Giuseppe Nastasi 338/5047423 349/6557785 Ref Emanuela Gali
spadafora@misericordia.org e_ g ali@hotmail.com
ONLUS SORDI VALLE DEL MELA (S. FILIPPO DEL MELA ): Odv iscr. Reg Solidarietà sociale- Socio-culturale educativa -Sostegno audiolesi e famiglie Sede:Piazza Duomo 17, 98042 S.Filippo del Mela 090/930592Legale rappresentante e referente: Cuzzupè Francesco francy_i@hotmail.it Referente : Santi Cuzzupè
Lotta all’inquinamento- Tutela territorio- Difesa dell’Ambiente
Sede: via Risorgimento 120, 98057 Milazzo
Legale Representative: Giuseppe Maimone 347.3332444 info@adasc.it
Information on Down syndrome and family-support disabled
at Via Risorgimento n.69 98057 Milazzo 090/9284448
Legal representative and contact person: Vittorio Cannata 335/8376635 vittorio.cannata @ alice.it aipdmilazzo@virgilio.it ;
MARDUK (Rometta ):
Promotion and protection of cultural heritage and artistic
at Via S. Cone 34, 98043 RomettaLegale Representative and Contact: Joseph Pinizzotto 3473427536 assomarduk@infinito.it
Association for the collection and donation of blood
Via Risorgimento n.26 98057 Milazzo CP-138 tel fax 090/9288406
Legal representative and contact person: Paul Miroddi 339.1864241 avisco26@avismilazzo.191.it
THE LILY ( MILAZZO ): Social Promotion Policies
and educational support to children at risk
C.da Barony Capo Milazzo Tel 090/9218633
Legal representative: Angela Ollà - ref. Alfredo D'ASDI 328/3347840
AIC Italian Celiac Association (VILLAFRANCA TIRRENA): SB ISCR. reg.
information and awareness about celiac disease
See Voicemail. Regional: Via Quasimodo 32, Villafranca Tel. fax 090/336947
Legal representative: Fabio Leone presidente@aicsiciliaonlus.it
BROTHERHOOD OF MERCY SPADAFORA : SB iscr.reg. Health Care Services and Medical Transport-Civil Defence-Day
Via S. Martino (old station) Tel 98048 Fax Spadafora. 090/9928603
Leg.rapp.: Giuseppe Nastasi 338/5047423 349/6557785 Ref Emanuela Gali
spadafora@misericordia.org e_ g ali@hotmail.com
THE SOURCE OF IDEAS (MILAZZO ): Promotion SocialeAssociazione Socio-cultural-educational-environmental at street Tre Monti 74, 98057 Milazzo
Legal prim.: Anthony Caravello ref: Antonio Nicosia tel. 338/7776180 nic_ant@yahoo.it
Legal prim.: Anthony Caravello ref: Antonio Nicosia tel. 338/7776180 nic_ant@yahoo.it
CSR Environment (MILAZZO) SB ISCR. reg. Study and Research Centre Environment
Address Via Turati 35 c / o Marco Stefano Capone Legal prim. and contact person: Stefano Marco Capone tel.
338/8956885 Mail: marcocapone@milazzoblog.it
Here (SPADAFORA ) SB ISCR. reg. Social Solidarity-Support-old children and families
at Via Carrara 16, 98048 Spadafora 090/9941146- 090/9962062
Legal prim. Lucky D'Amico vice principal. and contact person: Cettina Ialacqua cettinaialacqua@tiscali.it
Address Via Turati 35 c / o Marco Stefano Capone Legal prim. and contact person: Stefano Marco Capone tel.
338/8956885 Mail: marcocapone@milazzoblog.it
Here (SPADAFORA ) SB ISCR. reg. Social Solidarity-Support-old children and families
at Via Carrara 16, 98048 Spadafora 090/9941146- 090/9962062
Legal prim. Lucky D'Amico vice principal. and contact person: Cettina Ialacqua cettinaialacqua@tiscali.it
Centro di risorse per la famiglia
Sede: via Consortile 32, Villafranca Tirrena
Referente: Caterina Cavallaro 368/7398527 cat.cavallaro@libero.it
Ente Capofila del CLC D27: AVULSS di Milazzo CESV Messina, Via G. La Farina,7 is. 279 – CAP 98122 Messina tel. 090.6409598, fax. 090.6011825
sito http://www.cesvmessina.it/ - e-mail: info@cesvmessina.it .
Sede territoriale: Via Tenente G. Picciolo, n° 1- CAP 98057 Milazzo
tel. 090.9229044, e-mail: milazzo@cesvmessina.it.
Centro di risorse per la famiglia
Sede: via Consortile 32, Villafranca Tirrena
Referente: Caterina Cavallaro 368/7398527 cat.cavallaro@libero.it
Ente Capofila del CLC D27: AVULSS di Milazzo CESV Messina, Via G. La Farina,7 is. 279 – CAP 98122 Messina tel. 090.6409598, fax. 090.6011825
sito http://www.cesvmessina.it/ - e-mail: info@cesvmessina.it .
Sede territoriale: Via Tenente G. Picciolo, n° 1- CAP 98057 Milazzo
tel. 090.9229044, e-mail: milazzo@cesvmessina.it.