( The spread of flamingos in the world )
E ' present in the Galapagos subspecies roseus. The flamingos nest in colonies rather only a number: it was discovered that individuals begin only if the wedding parade in the presence of numerous specimens of the same species.
The choice of whether or not to nest in a given area is not always easy to understand, but often depends on environmental and climatic factors (level water, noise, presence of suitable islands, etc.).. The diet is based on aquatic invertebrates: crustaceans such as brine shrimp, snails, earthworms, larvae and pupae of insects. Seeds and leaves of aquatic plants (Ruppia, Scirpus, Juncus, etc..) Are sometimes ingested along with algae, diatoms, and even
bacteria. Occasionally they eat adult insects, crabs
and small fish.
The Flamingos forage in large groups, in the first and last hours of the day and sometimes at night, walking in the shallow water. Most food is obtained by filtering the water with his beak, shape molto specializzata. La lingua, grossa e carnosa, funziona come un pistone per aspirare l'acqua, che viene poi espulsa e filtrata da piccole lamelle poste lungo i margini del becco. I l colore delle penne dei fenicotteri è dovuto alla presenza di particolari sostanze organiche: i carotenoidi. Queste sostanze non vengono prodotte dai fenicotteri, ma sono presenti nelle alghe e nei piccoli crostacei (Artemia salina ed altri) di cui si cibano.
I n cattività, se l'alimentazione non comprende alghe e crostacei, i fenicotteri perdono gradualmente il colore e diventano bianchi. I pigmenti inoltre non sono stabili nel tempo e le penne cadute durante la muta perdono rapidamente il their distinctive pink color. The flamingos are certainly more famous for its beautiful plumage that their voice. In flight, the birds often emit a sound that reminds one of the geese, and low nose. N addition to vocalizations are emitted a low grunt when feeding or some sort of grunt with the function of threat. Even if their voice is not beautiful, however, redeem the flamingos with the beautiful flight take-off occurs after a short run on water.
(Diego Fresu, V ^ A IPAA)
The choice of whether or not to nest in a given area is not always easy to understand, but often depends on environmental and climatic factors (level water, noise, presence of suitable islands, etc.).. The diet is based on aquatic invertebrates: crustaceans such as brine shrimp, snails, earthworms, larvae and pupae of insects. Seeds and leaves of aquatic plants (Ruppia, Scirpus, Juncus, etc..) Are sometimes ingested along with algae, diatoms, and even
and small fish.
The Flamingos forage in large groups, in the first and last hours of the day and sometimes at night, walking in the shallow water. Most food is obtained by filtering the water with his beak, shape molto specializzata. La lingua, grossa e carnosa, funziona come un pistone per aspirare l'acqua, che viene poi espulsa e filtrata da piccole lamelle poste lungo i margini del becco. I l colore delle penne dei fenicotteri è dovuto alla presenza di particolari sostanze organiche: i carotenoidi. Queste sostanze non vengono prodotte dai fenicotteri, ma sono presenti nelle alghe e nei piccoli crostacei (Artemia salina ed altri) di cui si cibano.
I n cattività, se l'alimentazione non comprende alghe e crostacei, i fenicotteri perdono gradualmente il colore e diventano bianchi. I pigmenti inoltre non sono stabili nel tempo e le penne cadute durante la muta perdono rapidamente il their distinctive pink color. The flamingos are certainly more famous for its beautiful plumage that their voice. In flight, the birds often emit a sound that reminds one of the geese, and low nose. N addition to vocalizations are emitted a low grunt when feeding or some sort of grunt with the function of threat. Even if their voice is not beautiful, however, redeem the flamingos with the beautiful flight take-off occurs after a short run on water.
(Diego Fresu, V ^ A IPAA)

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