Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Bladder Diseases More Condition_symptoms



The AICI offers a theme in which 'can express themselves, and confront an instructive laboratory of the pitfalls to avoid, fun, challenging and even more' liberating
want to find?? ... .. WE ARE WAITING
group open to couples, singles, and individual appointments

* Calanus erotic dreams and increased cases of married siblings, per capita decreases the frequency of sexual intercourse and increasing number of separations for non-compliance of a partners. The statistics speak for themselves and photograph the phenomenon unequivocally we are tired of having a sexual concern. What's more 'alarm and' that the loss of desire does not appear to be linked to a syndrome with limited accuracy but a trend, a collective style that touches everyone, men and women, couples and consolidated just love blossomed young and old. In short, if the sex goes, well worth considering why '... ...
Seminar in limited numbers and in order of registration
Facilitator: STEFANIA Cervone

Italian Association of Integrated Counseling
at Tivoli
Via dei Pini, 1 / c, 69 and Via Campolimpido / a
Rome Office: Via radio operators nr. 70
To register
cost € 20.00 per person € 15.00 if couples

What To Use To Clean The Outside Of A Trailer

journey into a" planet couple "

Italian Association of Integrated Counseling

Tuesday, November 17, 2009 from 17.00 to 19.00

first meeting of the route

journey into a "planet couple"

The couple's relationship and its power, its fragility, its rituals. The ideal couple. The torque rischio. Il ciclo di vita della coppia. Conoscere meglio le dinamiche della propria relazione di coppia ed imparare a gestire i momenti di crisi e di conflitto. Migliorare la comunicazione con il partner.

Conducono le Dsse. Stefania Cervoni – Ana Maria Kaplan
Counselor Professioniste – Mediatrici Familiari
Presso A.I.C.I. Associazione Italiana Counseling Integrato
Sede di Tivoli – via Campolimpido 69/A
Tel. 329 2639270 – 338 640 2238

COSTO € 15,00 (a persona)


1° incontro: Martedì 17 Novembre dalle ore 17,00 19.00
the 2nd meeting: Monday, November 23 from 17.00 to 19.00
3rd meeting: Monday, November 30 from 17.00 to 19.00
4th meeting: Monday, December 7 from 17 hours, 00 to 19.00
5th meeting: Monday, December 14 from 17.00 to 19.00

"The nature of man leads him inevitably towards the couple." Desmond Morris.

"Love is a game in which two people can play and win together." Eva Gabor.